19 Aug

Welcome Back for 2015-16!

Welcome back everyone! We hope you had, and still having, an awesome, extended summer. We will be back in the office and getting ramped up for the winter on Monday, September 14th. In the meantime, checkout this site and get your applications in early! There will be more updates via the Word and this website over the coming weeks. Thanks and looking forward to seeing you all soon!

So what’s new for this season?

Well, first off, as a returning instructor from the 2014-15 winter season we hope for a better snow year this time around! In terms of what is on your immediate horizon:

This website! 
We hope that you will find this website a useful information center throughout the season. We plan to host all the documentation, links and resources that you need to be successful all in one place. Over the coming months we will post training information and update the news section with the weekly Word and anything else that is going on. It also gives us a landing page for new instructors and those folks interested in finding out about working for us and what that is all about.

We have a new process for submitting your schedule to us, to avoid dealing with excel files and ensure we get all the information we need, and that you have an opportunity to thoroughly understand your commitment. Everything is online, through this site. We also have a new and hopefully more flexible system for determining what commitment we require from you and how you can match that.

You will notice that Night Shifts have popped up on the schedule. This is something we will begin experimenting with this year, offering late afternoon and early evening lessons.

Training Team 
We will be forming a Training Team. Trainers who will be scheduled outside of the regular lesson schedule will lead our clinics, but also be present in teaching areas observing classes, offering feedback and evaluating our use of terrain and brainstorming ways to make teaching easier and more effective for our instructors. Any one can apply to be a part of the team, but there will be limited spots. More information can be found here

Each new season comes with new opportunities! Check out our Current Openings section for leadership/supervisor jobs that will be posted. We will also be hiring a few instructors as leads who can take on added responsibility one or two days a week, helping out by coordinating in Youth, Adults or a Multi-week Program. This could be a great way to get more consistent hours and grow your role at the school.

More news will follow soon I’m sure! In the meantime, when you are ready to apply follow the steps below! Please note that we would like to have all returning instructor applications and schedule submissions in by October 16th.