24 Oct

The Word – 10/24/2015

Hello all! We haven’t posted in a while but The Word will begin going out weekly from now on. We also have some new employees to welcome to the team, so welcome to those folks! This is our weekly newsletter and the main way we communicate with our employees when they are not up at the mountain.

Facebook Page

Remember that you can request to be added to our Ski and Snowboard School Facebook Group. This is a great resource for carpooling, housing and general gossip!

Hiring Update

Currently we are down from where we ideally would like to be in our hiring targets, so we need your help! Here’s how you can help us:

  • Double check your junk/spam emails for your background check from Talentwise handful of these are still pending and we’d love to get you all set up for the winter
  • Please return job offers a.s.a.p so we can keep tabs on where we are at. Or let us know if you need time or assistance making a decision!
  • If you’re thinking of returning but haven’t started the process or are not sure if your schedule will work submit one anyway! We would love the chance to talk with you.
  • If you have friends or family that you think would be a great fit here in Ski and Snowboard School, please refer them to our website for more info and encourage them to submit an application!
  • If you can think of ways and places we can advertise our jobs please let us know. Also, feel free to download and post this flyer at your place of work or anywhere you think might help! Thank you!
2015-16 Recruiting Flyer (PDF)

Orientation Details

When: Saturday, November 7th from 12:00-4:00pm, in the Granite Peaks Lodge

  • Company orientation will run from 12:00-2:00pm with time afterwards to complete paperwork in Human Resources and take a break
  • Ski and Snowboard School orientation will run from 3:00-4:00pm
  • We will be in the locker room at 11:00am if you choose to come up early and reserve your locker
  • More specific details regarding uniforms, bringing gear up etc. will be sent out next week!

DON’T FORGET: You will need to bring PHOTO ID (drivers license or school id) + PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP (passport, original social security card, or original birth certificate). Most of your employee paperwork will be online this year, avoiding the long wait at HR. You will however need to complete this paperwork PRIOR TO ORIENTATION the paperwork is emailed to you upon completion of your background check.

Instructor Payscale Changes

We are increasing all our instructor pay rates this season! We’ve been working hard over the last couple of years to construct a pay scale and offer incentives that help our employees to earn a livable wage and promote personal growth. Below is the new scale, based on certification level with the range reflecting add-ons for being a dual, having extra accreditation etc. The full pay scale and breakdown can be found here.

We will be raising all instructors that have already been hired up to their new rate automatically but be sure to reach out if you want to know exactly how this affects you. snowsports@stevenspass.com or (206)812-7393

Certification Level Full Time Range Part Time Range
Uncertified (no experience) $12.00 – $13.00 $11.00 – $12.00
Uncertified (at least 1 year experience) $12.50 – $16.00 $11.50 – $16.00
Level 1 $14.00 – $16.00 $13.00 – $16.00
Level 2 $16.00 – $20.00 $15.50 – $20.00
Level 3 $19.00 – $24.00 $18.50 – $24.00

Professional Development Reimbursement Bonus

Another new thing for this year! Last year we began recording Development Credits for employees based on hours worked and hours of training. We are continuing that this year, (and remember that for instructors, more credits = an hourly bonus, as defined in the pay scale.) and we are pleased to announce that all employees who accumulate 250+ credits during the season will be eligible to claim reimbursement for up to $250 of Personal Professional Development Costs for the year.

  • This includes PSIA/AASI/USASA membership dues, educational materials and event/exam fees
  • The reimbursement will be paid out in one lump sum at the end of the season provided the employee remains in good standing
  • Pre-approval will be required prior before attending an exam/event in order for it to be applicable

More details here

Remember we will also be offering a Fall Instructor Academy for anyone wishing to get their Level 1 early season and also offering the Level 1 exam to returning/experienced instructors. Cost for these events will be eligible for reimbursement if you meet the required credits amount.


Training Team

In order to get more feedback and training for you, the coaches out there making the magic happen, we have created a more formal Training Team than we have had in the past. This group will run clinics, provide instructor feedback, and help plan/create/maintain the Terrain Based Teaching features. Formalizing the Training Team will help us deliver more consistent feedback and support to coaches and help coaches deliver a better product to our guests

Assuming everyone accepts the position the 2016 Training Team will be


Skiers: Russ Peterson, Tim Merriam, Heather Roberts, Karl Johnstone, Kim K-B, Jessica Trygstad, DJ Bridenbaugh, and please welcome Ken Will who has been teaching at Stevens Pass for 32 years for Christian and Lyons Ski School. Ken has been accredited to give the level 1 exam and has taught in Austria and Switzerland and yes he is a level 1 snowboarder too.


Snowboarders: Josh Holton, Wendell Kruse, Ken Bailey, Rusty West, Brandy Murphy, Lauren Barnes, and Ryan Davidson who we are welcoming back after a season in Alaska and a year on the pro patrol.

Special Forces

Along with the frontline infantry trainers mentioned above we will have some Special Forces trainers that will come in for occasional clinics. Nils Riise long time Stevens Pass Ski School instructor and former PSIA-NW Tech Team member and Sean Bold PSIA-NW Examiner on the ski side. Snowboarders will be Brooke Bolin AASI-NW Examiner and Hillary Mosich former AASI-NW DCL.


Need new gear for this winter?

Black pants? Accessories? New to the team this season is David O’Donnell who is a brand ambassador for Mountain Hardwear, he currently has a limited amount of online discount codes for up to 50% off online. Please contact him if you’re interested: davidmobile@live.com.au He is also working out details for an in store pro discount for our school staff in the Seattle location!