29 Oct

The Word – 10/29/2015

Hello everyone. Things are definitely started to feel a little more like winter up here with potentially 2-4″ of snow set to fall by the time this cycle has passed through Monday.


A few more details about Orientation and some answers to likely FAQs…

    • When is it? November 7th from 12pm – 4pm
    • What if I can’t make that date? No problem. We will have other opportunities. They have not been scheduled just yet but will not be earlier than November 21st. We will let you know!
    • What do I need to do before hand? You must have returned your job offer and completed your background check. HR will also be sending you a link to complete your paperwork online (they mostly have not got to this just yet) and you will need to do this prior to the 7th.
    • What if I didn’t get a job offer yet? If you are still waiting on us to get back to you regarding your application or schedule we will be going through our list again and reaching out to you tomorrow (Friday 30th). If you do not hear from us by end of day Friday please contact us.
    • Anything else I need to do? Yes, we will be sending out some information at the beginning of next week that you can read over ahead of time so all the content on the 7th is not so overwhelming!
    • What should I bring? A pen! And be prepared to be outdoors. Returners will notice the format of the company orientation has changed from 1 to 2 hours. We are making it much more interactive than in years past so check the weather and plan for being outside for a portion of the afternoon.
    • What about I.Ds? Great question. Even though paperwork is mostly moving online you will still need to bring 2 forms of I.D (Drivers license, Passport, Social Security) We will put another reminder in next week’s Word.
    • Can I get into the Locker Room? Of course! We will have the locker room open from 11am onwards and there will be a break between 2-3pm also. You can get yourself a locker and you may also bring up equipment to store. Please bear in mind that as we are not open there are days when the locker room is locked, but not manned. Please also only bring one pair of skis or a snowboard to store so there is space for all.
    • Uniforms? Passes? We are not yet ready to administer uniforms this year. Passes will also be at HR’s discretion but will likely not be available yet either. If either of those things change we will let you know.

If we forgot something and you have questions please let us know. We are looking forward to seeing you all! oh, and if you haven’t been in touch yet this year get on it! Winter is right around the corner.

Ski Dazzle!

It’s that time of year again! The Ski Dazzle Show is at the CenturyLink Event Center Nov 6, 7, and 8 – strategically during the Hawks bye week. We will be staffing the ‘Learn-to-Ski-Hill’ all day Sunday 8th from 10am to 6pm and are in need of some folks to come work for all or part of the day.

You won’t need equipment, it’s all indoors on essentially a carpet hill, just bring bags of energy and some deodorant! It will be paid, (@ teach rate) will include meals and reimbursement for bus fees or parking and you get free admission to the show with time to browse.

If you are interested please let us know what times you could work and we will figure out a schedule. Here’s the show website if you want to check it out. Thanks!

Training Team

In order to get more feedback and training for you, the coaches out there making the magic happen, we have created a more formal Training Team than we have had in the past. This group will run clinics, provide instructor feedback, and help plan/create/maintain the Terrain Based Teaching features. Formalizing the Training Team will help us deliver more consistent feedback and support to coaches and help coaches deliver a better product to our guests

Assuming everyone accepts the position the 2016 Training Team will be


Skiers: Russ Peterson, Tim Merriam, Heather Roberts, Karl Johnstone, Rusty West, Kim K-B, Jessica Trygstad, DJ Bridenbaugh, and please welcome Ken Will who has been teaching at Stevens Pass for 32 years for Christian and Lyon’s Ski School. Ken has been accredited to give the level 1 exam and has taught in Austria and Switzerland and yes he is a level 1 snowboarder too.


Snowboarders: Josh Holton, Wendell Kruse, Ken Bailey, Brandy Murphy, Lauren Barnes, and Ryan Davidson who we are welcoming back after a season in Alaska and a year on the pro patrol.

Special Forces

Along with the frontline infantry trainers mentioned above we will have some Special Forces trainers that will come in for occasional clinics. Nils Riise long time Stevens Pass Ski School instructor and former PSIA-NW Tech Team member and Sean Bold PSIA-NW Examiner on the ski side. Snowboarders will be Brooke Bolin AASI-NW Examiner and Hillary Mosich former AASI-NW DCL.