19 Nov

The Word – 11/19/2015

Hello everyone!

There is some very important information in this week’s Word for new employees so please read through it all!

Mountain Status

What a storm! We received a lot of snow but unfortunately a lot for rain. Our base is currently white and the ground is freezing which is great, but we don’t have enough to open prior to Thanksgiving. We will make an assessment about next weekend over the coming days. Historically our average opening date is November 28th, so we are still on course! and the recent storms over last weekend are a good sign. Keep the dances going!

Highway 2 Closure

As you may know the highway is closed as there is extensive erosion to foundations of one of the bridges. As of right now we don’t have a timeline for when it will be open again. The eastside of the highway is open as usual. More news when we have it, the DOT is working hard to get a plan in place!

New Instructor Training

The closure does make accessing the mountain difficult for those living on the westside of the mountain. We know many folks are still gung-ho about getting started, (we are too!) and many will be unaffected so we are going to go ahead with training this weekend, but please note the following:

  • If your access is affected by the closure you are not required to attend and can instead sign-up for the December 12-13th training. We will let you know if we add in any additional dates between now and then.
  • We will have our bunkhouse available for anyone wishing to stay at the summit on Friday and/or Saturday night – see details below
  • To accommodate travel schedules for those who do decide to attend, the training schedule will run from:
    • 10:30am – 4:30pm Saturday
    • 9:30am – 3:30pm Sunday
  • Please use our Facebook Page as a way to make carpool arrangements or to seek out alternative sleeping arrangements should you wish. Maybe some folks have a couch available?
  • Please RSVP that you will be attending. RSVP no later than 1PM Friday (tomorrow) so that we have an idea of numbers. If your attendance hinges on staying in our bunkhouse, please confirm your spot before RSVPing. – see below
  • RSVP by emailing Steve at steve.frink@stevenspass.com
  • All other details remain unchanged so please review the email you received from Steve.

The Bunkhouse this weekend

Our Bunkhouse will be available for folks involved in training this weekend on Friday and Saturday night. Usually there is a $9/night fee, but we are not charging for this weekend due to the highway closure.

Accommodation is a hostel-style bunk room. There is a full kitchen (fridge, range, microwave) and bathroom with shower. We are still doing some things to get the bunkhouse ready for the winter and it’s currently heated by temporary heaters, so bring a sleeping bag and some warm layers.

If you have any questions or to confirm a spot for the one or two nights contact our bunkhouse monitor Ben Christy

Spots will be issued on a first come first served basis. If your training attendance hinges on getting a spot please confirm your spot first before RSVPing to the training.

A call to east-siders and locals – House a rookie!?

With the highway closed, if anyone on the eastside has a couch or spare bed that they would happily offer one of our new instructors hoping to make it to training this weekend please post on the Facebook Page. Thank you very much!