16 Dec

The Word – 12/16/2015

Its coming…

Storm after storm! It’s nice to talk about snow in feet for once with over a foot expected through Friday morning. The holidays are going to be on us with a bang this weekend so let’s make sure we are all ready!

This can be a very crazy time and everyone is required to do their part. Please be sure to voice any questions you have over the next couple of days and use this website as a resource so you can be setup and up to speed. Make sure your equipment is ready, finish any outstanding action items you have with HR and of course double check your schedule!


Eastside Transit Thursday Dec 17th

Unfortunately all eastside transit is cancelled for tomorrow due to there not being drivers for the vans. The schedue should return to normal Friday. I’m sorry to deliver this news last minute as I know many of rely on the transit.

I (Ben) will be leaving Leavenworth at 6.45am and have two spots in my car. Although I will likely not be leaving the mountain until after 5pm. Please let me know if I can help by giving anyone a ride. Text 530-314-1419 before 6:30am


The Schedule – Instructors

The Instructor schedule is in through next Friday Dec 25th. Please check it and make sure there are no issues. Those working Full Time through the Christmas period are scheduled for 6 days this coming week.

Please note that once the schedule is in, your location for a given day might still change (e.g. you were scheduled in Youth but get moved to Adults). It is good to check your schedule when you get to work to make sure you go to the correct line-up

if you are available additional days, half days or evenings and would like to help us out during this period we would greatly appreciate it. If you would like to add days over Christmas in exchange for days later in the winter please let us know also.

If you are a Part Timer looking to switch to Full Time we may now have some openings

If you do not have a pass number and so cannot check your schedule, please email us snowsports@stevenspass.com and we can confirm it for you. Or come up on your next available day. Passes will be issued soon to those that are still waiting.


The Schedule – Staff

If you are a cashier, attendant or carpet operator and have not been contacted regarding your schedule please get in touch with us ASAP.



For those who haven’t yet attended orientation you will be scheduled to attend tomorrow unless you have told us you are not available. Please note:

  • Company orientation is from 9-11am in the Summit Room. The Summit Room is at the end of the Deli, above the Rental Shop. If you are not sure of the location, arrive early and head to our locker room. Someone can show you.
  • Ski and SB School orientation will be from 12-1pm in the same location
  • During the break and after 1pm you will have a chance to finish up your hiring tasks with HR
  • Remember to bring a passport or two forms of ID with you. ID must be a drivers license/state ID plus either a birth certificate or SS card.
  • Bring a pen, and also be dressed and prepared to be walking around outside.



You can collect a Uniform from the Company Store (next to HR) when you are next up here. Please plan time to do this if your next day up is a day you are scheduled to work. Note that many folks are rolling in at this time of year so there may be a line. Give yourself a solid 30-45mins at least!



As we move into peak season parking becomes a hot topic at Stevens Pass. Experienced folks will tell you that parking after 8.30/9am can become very challenging on the busiest days.

Remember that employees are required to park in lot D. Transit is offered for free every day during the holiday period. More details about parking, the transit schedule, the company store etc. can be found here

Employee Parking

There is also a strict overnight parking policy. As of tomorrow (Thursday 17th) cars may not be parked overnight in any parking lot other than the Yodelin Parking lot. Employees staying at the bunkhouse will be required to shuttle their car down to the Yodelin parking lot before bunking down for the night. Parking does run shuttles to and from that lot during operations. This policy will remain in effect through January 3rd.


The Bunkhouse

The recent rain caused some water damage in the bunkhouse so we are working to redo the flooring. While renovations are taking place we will not be charging to stay in the bunkhouse.


Rookie Training

Those new instructors that have not done Rookie Training will be scheduled for this coming weekend unless you have informed us otherwise. The details of the weekend will have been emailed to you, or you can find them here. Please note that there are some tasks to complete before coming up on Saturday morning.


Back in the Saddle Clinics

it has been a challenge to get all the experienced folks through back in the saddle clinics. We are already discussing an alternative method to deliver this information for future seasons given that once we open, we need you guys teaching!

We will be offering opportunities to complete this required training either in the afternoons (3:30pm) or in the mornings (8:30am). There are afternoon opportunities on the schedule for this coming weekend. We may soon begin adding these clinics to the schedules of folks who still need to attend so please sign up if you haven’t done one and get it out of the way before things get really hectic!