28 Jan

The Word – 1/28/2016

Employee Appreciation Week

It’s in full swing! The lifts were spinning on Monday night just for employees, we’ve had crazy hats, and sugar filled goodness so far. Today is retro day and tomorrow is the all day raffle and judging for the snow sculptures. Our sculpture is outside the Private Lesson Office and is taking the form of the mountain. Matt Huff and Alyssa were taking charge of it yesterday. If you want to help make it awesome and win us some money for our party fund stop by today or tomorrow!


Have fun… but know when to draw the line

Alcohol may be purchased in our of our licensed outlets, and consumed there, but we cannot drink outside alcohol on premises. It’s against company policy, and the law. Having unopened bottles and cans in your possession is fine, but as soon as they are open then it becomes a violation. Not only could you get in trouble, but a breach of this policy could see the company lose it’s liquor license, and therefore our ability to sell alcohol at the resort.

In our world this becomes even more important given that we employee minors who share our locker room and are a big part of our operation. We want the school to remain a positive influence for everyone.

This also goes without saying for other substances classed as illegal or unauthorized.

Thank you!


Tax Time

It’s that time of year again. W-2 forms are available for pick-up in HR through Friday (tomorrow) at noon. After that they will be mailed out and no longer available at HR


Learn-in-3 Logistics

A couple of notes on the Learn-in-3 Guarantee product sold for ages 13 and up.

If you have folks that graduate (i.e. they reach level 4 by showing speed control through turn shape on Double Daisy, and being confident and ready to take on Blue terrain) you are welcome to bring them into the Private Lesson office at the end of your lesson and the cashiers in there will celebrate their graduation with you and give them all the information they need to redeem their graduation tickets and goodies

A change we have made – Learn-in-3 participants now should be instructed to keep their lift ticket each visit as we will simply reload it when they come for their next visit, we will no longer be issuing a new lift ticket every time they come.


Avalanche Awareness Course

Patty Morrison and the Mountain Education Center are offering an employee AIARE Level 1 from Feb 10th-12th (Weds-Fri). These classes are normally on the weekend but to accommodate employees schedules, she is doing a special mid-week class just for us! (Thanks Patty!) Employees receive a 20% discount on the course; it’s normally $300 but for employees it would only be $240. To register, please call our Sales & Reservations office at 206-812-4510 ext. 4206.


Return Students

We reached the half way point this week hitting 2,500+ return students! That means $2,500+ to be shared out among all you instructors in the next pay period and us being half way to our goal. We will post a list soon once we have all the numbers finalized so folks can view their bonus amount.

Thanks everyone for making this happen. Remember our season goal is 5,000. Once we hit the 3,000 mark we’ll organize our next Ski and Snowboard School event/party!


Kudos Board

Just some of the nice things guests have said about us this week…

Hannah Ulm did an excellent job, especially providing individual attention in a group setting”

Jason Luck – great teacher, fun to learn from”

Christina was a fantastic instructor. She worked with each person individually and explained everything in multiple ways so everyone would understand.
Best lesson so far”

Megan Ready was so great with my girls. At the beginning I was worried about leaving her with my rambunctious 2 year old and 5 year old but when I came back 2 hours later I saw that I worried for nothing. They had a great time and everyone was in good spirits”

Tom Hock was fantastic, especially considering I was scared of getting hurt. He was really patient with all my ridiculous questions and difficulties.” 

Lisandro was awesome and made me feel very confident in my skiing abilities. He got me down the Double Daisy successfully without falling on my first try – great way to end the lesson!”

Tim Merriam was a great coach! Techniques he taught went a long way.”

Don Martin-he was amazing!! My kids had a blast and finished up the lesson with smiles on their faces and begging for more.”

Dan “Dorito” Velasco was fabulous. He was very clear in his instructions and did a great job of helping people at varying levels. Very patient :)”

Dale was a great private instructor and did a super job keeping my wife and I challenged as we progressed at different paces.