17 Feb

The Word – 2/17/16

Hi all! Once again, thanks for all your hard work and willingness to be flexible during our last few weeks of the busy season. We GREATLY appreciate it! 🙂

Party Plans!

To celebrate hitting over 4,000 return students and how much we appreciate all your hard work we are having a party this Saturday, Feb 20th. We are so close to our 5,000 goal!!

The theme will be a Cowboy/Western and we’ll be doing a Chili cook-off, potluck style… So fill up your crock pot and we’ll have a prizes!

Don’t forget to dress up, think plaid, denim, and cowboy hats…YEEEHAWWW!

Incentive Pay

A few weeks ago we sent out an updated page on the school website explaining how to interpret your development credits, private request hours, and training hours…unfortunately, this is information is not updating properly for you to view.

Though you are still accurately being paid the proper amount of bonus pay, the accrual amounts will not be up to date for you to track your progress online. We will go old school cool and print this info and post it in the locker room this week so you are able to view updated hours for each incentive category.

Bunkhouse Update

Unfortunately the bunkhouse is currently closed due to flooding damage earlier this week–we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will keep you updated as we get more information and as we are able to get it open again.

We know that people really depend on summit housing, and that this affects people’s ability to fulfill their commitments. If there are folks living nearby who are in need of roommates or would accommodate please let us know.

Outdoors-for-all Help

the independent, non-profit, adaptive school that operates up here a couple times a week, is looking for instructor help this Friday. Their instructors are typically volunteers, but we’d like to help them out this week if there are people interested. You would be paid to work for them, just as if you were teaching regular lessons with us.

In their words: “There isn’t any special training required of the instructor, the students have learning disabilities, such as ADD, ADHD, and Aspergers, so the instructor would just need to be a good communicator and have a little patience. For your instructors, the speed of the lesson and progression goals just need to be adjusted for a slower rate of learning and add more guided practice. The students behave and learn very typical of your everyday teenager.”

If you would be interested in helping out (whether you are on the schedule of not) please let us know ASAP. If we can assign some coaches to help them after we have gotten our lessons out we would love to give them a hand, and would prefer to send instructors who have expressed an interest. Lesson times would be similar to ours and they are looking for both skiers and boarders. Thanks!

Get Well Soon…

Special messages go out to Tim Merriam, Grayson Neal, Beth Tesh, Mike Fahrenbach –hoping for speedy recoveries for you all! 🙂

Shred for Stevens

This Friday, Feb 19th is the 4 year anniversary of an avalanche accident in here at Tunnel Creek that deeply affected the SP community. The incident was beautifully covered in this interactive NY Times article, which is well worth a read, or indeed a re-read. It serves as a timely reminder to stay safe out there as weather and snow pack starts to change and as an appreciation of the AWESOME community we are all a part of!