30 Mar

The Word – 3/30/16

Hey everyone! Thanks for a fun party last weekend, we’re glad everyone could make it and enjoy the sunshine together!

Congrats Ski and Snowboard Level 1 Grads

Congratulations to those that passed their Level 1 exams last weekend!! Way to be awesome instructors- Abde Elshafei, Brendan Thatcher, Sheria Rosenthal, Laura Swanson.

End of Season Calendar Updates

Good news– we get one more weekend of winter! The mountain has decided to extend winter operations for another weekend- April 23rd and 24th. Youth programs will be closed at this point, however we will offer discounted private lessons and adult group lessons if we can. We are not expecting you to extend your winter commitment, but if anyone wanted to work this last weekend let us know and we’ll go from there!

All Mountain End of Season Party

Our all mountain employee end of season party will be Friday, April 8th from 5-8pm in the Granite Peaks Lodge. There will be a catered dinner, awards, and a raffle for all employees and family/dependents! There will also be an employee only ride day for family/dependents on Thursday, April 14th from Noon-4pm for some slushy spring riding!

The ballot is listed below to fill out and return to HR before Monday April 4th.

End of Season Party Nomination Form

End of Season Party Nomination Form

Form must be returned by April 4th to HR

Under each category please describe why you chose the person you did. The more detail and examples of why your nominee deserves the award, the more it will help us determine who is most deserving of the recognition.

Spirit of Stevens Pass: Employees who embrace our service philosophy (Fast, Fun, Friendly, Flexible) with a smile on their face, who go above and beyond, and set great examples for others.

Leadership Award: An Employee who every day is showing others how to be a positive role model, bettering the company, going way above and beyond. Embraces the mission statement: Enriching the mountain experience for generations.

Department of the Year: please think about all the departments who make Stevens run, and vote on one that has gone above and beyond!

Training Report

PSIA-AASI Level 2 and 3 exams are at Stevens this weekend. Keep the positive vibes flowing to all the candidates from around the NW.

Feedback anyone??? As the season comes to a close I would love to hear from you.

Rookies, what helped you the most? What do you wish you had known earlier?

Experienced new guys, how was the transition to a new school? Could we have made things easier?

Email steve.frink@stevenspass with anything appropriate or not.

Tips For Wrapping Up Lessons

One of the most challenging parts of teaching a lesson is concluding it- especially when teaching kids and you are explaining to parents what their kids have been up to all day! We get a lot of coaches into hot water with parents because you are juggling the expectations of yourself, the parent, and the child. We get complaints that include:

The coach said my child didn’t learn anything because he was in the wrong level

My child was the fastest in the group and was held back by the other kids

The coach had a really big split so wasn’t able to take my kid to appropriate terrain

Keep in mind that if you have a really big split, you can bring your class to your supervisor and try to work something out. Many times though, coaches have been working the split for the duration of the lesson perfectly fine, and get nervous when talking to the parent.

The Solution?
Stick to your progress report. Open it up, and go through it with the parent Spend your wrap-up time staying positive- what the child learned, what you introduced to them, and what they can work on for homework. Then, what you’ll work on for next time and if they should change levels. Do your best not to expect the parent to be an auditory learner. There is a lot going on at check-out time and there is a good chance they won’t retain what you’ve told them. Then they’ll get to the car and ask their child what they learned and they’ll be typical kids and say: Nothing… Because that’s what kids do! So fill out that progress report, show the parent how important it is, and keep it positive.

Looking for Summer Jobs?

With all this sunshine some of you might have summer on your mind already- stop by HR for postings of summer jobs or check out this link.

Stevens Pass Climate Team

Come learn about Stevens Pass Climate Team and support Rusty and Tre’s team- next Saturday April 9th in the base area by the clock tower… Get a sneak peek at www.stevenspassclimateteam.org

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