16 Aug

The Word – 8/16/16

Welcome back for the 2016-17 season!!

So what’s new?

Well, La Nina for one thing! So get ready for a wild one…

Jobs are up!
You can now start applying for winter positions! Minimum commitments start as low as 12 days for experienced Part Timers and 6 days for our new Intermittent status. Check out what else is new and when you are ready skip to the bottom for info on how to apply for the different positions…

Rentals and Snowsports School… together?!
Yep, we have merged the departments. Rentals will now report up to Ben along with Snowsports School. Our long term vision is a complete remodel of the Rental Shop next summer, but in the short term it means much more synergy, a better guest experience and job sharing opportunities for Full Timers. Don’t worry, we are not moving the locker room!

This has only just been confirmed in the last couple of weeks so we are still working through the implications and the leadership structure. More news as things unfold.

Full Time Instructor Incentive
Two big things are happening to the way Full Time Instructors are paid. First off, non-teach rate is no more for Full Timers. Instead you will be paid a Training Rate for all required pre-season and any in-season training, but everything else you do will be paid at your teach rate.

Secondly we recognize the challenge that comes with relying on this job as primary income, especially when you can’t rely on the work. Our new Full Timer Incentive means we will provide 4 hours mid-week and 8 hours on weekends and holidays to Full Time Instructors regardless of whether there are lessons or not. This equates to 28 hours per week if scheduled for 5 days, at teach rate.

Nobody else in the industry is doing this, but our belief is that if we want folks to consider instructing as a viable career option and a ‘real job’ we have to start treating it as one. All the details and parameters can be read about here

Kids Club and Kids Instructors
Kids Club will be splitting into two programs, 3-4 year olds and 5-6 year olds and we will be introducing snowboarding to both age groups.

The 5-6 year olds will operate as before but the 3-4 year olds will be restricted to half days only. They will also spend half the lesson doing indoor activities with indoor staff, so although an instructor will be responsible for 4 kids, he/she will only be outside with 2 at a time, making the ratio much more manageable.

We will also be specifically hiring Kids Instructors this season. These folks will work almost exclusively with 3-6 year olds between Youth Programs and Multi-weeks. In return for their energy and commitment to our youngest guests they will earn $0.25/hour extra.

There is not a separate job to apply for, you can just check the Kids Instructor box when you submit your schedule.

Freeride Coaches
As our D-Team grows so does our need for more coaching support. Tre and Steve Mac, our Head Coaches, will be hiring a select few Freeride Coaches to work with them this year coaching the D-Team athletes and working with the High Camp advanced classes. No experience is necessary to apply, but solid freeride/freestyle skiing/riding skills are required, as well as a gung-ho attitude towards gaining certs and experience relevant to coaching.

The scheduling will work a little differently to instructors, with the coaches working together as a team to cover the D-Team program needs, with little other obligations excect for helping out the school as much as possible over the Christmas period while the athletes take a break for holidays.

Interested folks should go here and there is a separate job to apply for on the website

Minimum Wage and Other Incentives 
What about everybody else? Well the mountain wide minimum wage is going up from $9.47 (or state minimum) to $10.25/hour. This is a major step for us.

We will also be offering a Retention Incentive alongside the Resort Incentive for guest experience score and visits. The Retention Incentive in it’s simplest terms means that if you commit to a schedule when we hire you and you honor that commitment and finish your employment in good standing, we’ll pay you $0.50/hour for every hour you worked from opening to closing date as an incentive. You can read the full version on our pay structure page here. This applies to all front-line employees not receiving PTO or sick time.

What else?
There are some other things in the works but more on those soon. For now, please let me know if you have any specific questionsAi??ben.fok@stevenspass.com otherwise here is the info you need to get going…

How to apply…


We likely will have some leadership roles (supervisors, program leads, possibly a manager position) available, especially with merging the departments. This is still being finalized and we’ll send out more information soon.

If you are interested, or are returning from a leadership role just contact me individually. ben.fok@stevenspass.com


To apply:

  1. Complete the schedule form below
  2. Apply for the Ski/Snowboard Instructor position at stevenspass.com/jobs


Trainer and Lead roles will be combining more this year, with Trainers much more involved in coordinating line-ups and assigning classes. If you want more info go here.

To apply:

  1. Complete the schedule form below and check the box for Training and Lead Team
  2. Apply for the Ski/Snowboard Instructor Trainer position at stevenspass.com/jobs

Freeride Coaches

This is a new position and so we don’t have a schedule form completed for it yet. There is more information about it and submit an application for Ski/Snowboard Freeride Coach and we will be in touch!

Cashiers, Attendants, Carpet Ops

Attendants are being renamed to “Support Staff”, and will retain Outdoor and Indoor roles as previously. We have also changed the way we display our jobs so as not to have such an overwhelming list spanning several pages. Cashier, Support Staff and Carpet Operator jobs will therefore not be individually listed.

Trainer and Lead roles will be combining more this year, with Trainers much more involved in coordinating line-ups and assigning classes. If you want more info go here.

To apply, just go to stevenspass.com/jobs and submit a General Application and reference the position you are applying for in the comment section of the application.


Please let us know if you have any questions or problems. Feel free to contact us at anytime snowsports@stevenspass.com. To help you with date selection and visualizing your winter as you work through submitting this form download the following calendar which shows the full winter season and highlights key date ranges.

2016-17 Season Calendar (PDF)

Thanks, see you soon and Pray for SNOW!!