30 Nov

The Word – 11/30/16

Hey everyone! Can you believe it… Winter is HERE!

It dumped!

ORIENTATION: Saturday, Dec. 3rd 10:00am – 2:30pm

Remember if you haven’t received your HR paperwork- please let us know but you may need to wait for the next available orientation.

SATURDAY, Dec. 3rd from 10:00am-2:30pm Here is the timeline:

8:00-9:30 HR & Locker Room open

10:00-12:30* Company Orientation (Summit Room: 2nd Floor of Tye Creek Lodge)

12:30-1:30 Lunch Break (locker room is open)

1:30-2:30* Snowsports School Meeting

*Paid Activities

What to Expect at Orientation

Complete all on-boarding tasks online before arriving to HR!!

  • If you’ve forgotten your password or username, try and reset these credentials first on your own HERE.
  • If you are still having problems logging in or completing these tasks, please contact us by calling the Employee line: 206-812-7393 or email snowsports@stevenspass.com.
  • You must bring proper I-9 IDs (Please see email that you received with your link to the on-boarding tasks for list of acceptable IDs.)
  • HR will be staffed and ready to process I-9s at 8am before orientation; the earlier you get here, the better!(This step must be completed before you can start any training or attend orientation.)
  • Orientation will be in the Summit Room on the 2nd floor of the Tye Creek Lodge. Make sure to check in where you will receive a name tag and a raffle ticket.
  • Orientation will be approximately 2.5 hours. It will be interactive and we hope that you will have fun.
  • Please pack a lunch and/or snacks/beverages.
  • Food options will be available for purchase in the Granite Peaks Lodge, do keep in mind the resort will be open for business, to avoid waiting in a line for lunch we would recommend packing lunch.
  • Uniforms will be distributed in the company store following orientation. This is for full-time and part-time employees only (not intermittent coaches).

SSS: Instructors

Instructor Rookie Training

With the season starting, we have a lot going on in the Ski & Snowboard School!

At this point, all Rookies and Experienced Instructors new to Stevens who don’t yet have a Level 1 should have been sent a confirmation email for their training. If you haven’t please notify us by email snowsports@stevenspass.com.

Instructor BITS Clinics

All Instructors who have worked for Stevens before and New to Stevens instructors with at least a Level 1 will need to complete a BITS (Back in the Saddle) clinic. These will begin 12/10 and should be completed by 12/18. Each clinic is two hours long and will update you on the on-snow changes to the Ski & Snowboard School this season. You will see the clinics in RTP starting next week. You may sign-up if you aren’t scheduled to teach that day, and if you are scheduled to teach you may see the clinic show up on your schedule. More info in next weeks Word!

Instructor Schedules

The Ski & Snowboard School is open! We will begin teaching group lessons on Saturday. Instructors can check their schedules for this week now. Use the resources tab of the SPSS website to find out how. If you have your seasons pass, you have your MTN #. If you don’t have your MTN # and you want to check your schedule please email .Remember the schedule is only finalized for December 3-9 now– Currently, we have just full time instructors on the schedule, any part time or intermittent instructors will be off, but keep an eye on your schedule for the next week as things start to ramp up!

New Supervisors!

First, a big THANK YOU to Dave Johnson for doing a great job as the Adult Programs Supervisor. We look forward seeing how you progress as a part-time instructor, and what shenanigans you’ll be getting yourself into during the week.


  • Danelle Greer– our new Adult Programs Supervisor! Danelle is bringing us tons of supervisory and organizational experience. Stop on by the Tool Shed outside of the Locker Room to say Hi!
  • Katelyn Infalt– our new School Sales Supervisor! Katelyn is from Spokane with supervisory experience in customer service within the recreation industry. Make sure to poke your head in the Private Lesson office to meet her!
  • Marisa Mirviss– our new Rentals Sales Supervisor! Marisa has a background in raft guiding management and previous experience as a SB instructor. Swing by the Rental Shop and introduce yourself!

SSS: Staff

Carpet Operators and Attendants

If you have not been to an Orientation, the next option is this Saturday, Dec 3rd!

If you have attended Orientation and completed all hiring tasks then sit tight, your supervisor will be reaching out to you soon to ensure you are ready to begin work, and when your first day will be. In the meantime, if you have questions or concerns please email snowsports@stevenspass.com\ If you have done all the tasks and want to ride in the meantime, your Season Pass is available for pickup in the school locker room.

RENTALS: Upcoming Schedule + Training

As we have started spinning some lifts, expect to see a schedule on Friday for this upcoming week. Reminder: if you have not yet attended a training date, plan on being here December 10th for the next training day. More details to come- see you all soon!