14 Dec

The Word – 12/14/16

HOLY MOLY! What an awesome last weekend of running full operations in our school and rental shop, and not to mention some awesome POW days!!

This would be quite the pow day for us!!!


Remember if you haven’t received your HR paperwork- please let us know but you may need to wait for the next available orientation!

Friday, Dec. 16th from 10:00am-2:30pm Here is the timeline:

8:00-9:30HR & Locker Room open

10:00-12:30*Company Orientation (Summit Room: 2nd Floor of Tye Creek Lodge)

12:30-1:30 Lunch Break (locker room is open)

1:30-2:30* Snowsports School Meeting

*Paid Activities

What To Expect At Orientation

TComplete all on-boarding tasks online before arriving to HR!!

  • If you’ve forgotten your password or username, try and reset these credentials first on your own HERE.
  • If you are still having problems logging in or completing these tasks, please contact us by calling the Employee line: 206-812-7393 or email snowsports@stevenspass.com.
  • You must bring proper I-9 ID’s (Please see email that you received with your link to the on-boarding tasks for list of acceptable IDs.)
  • HR will be staffed and ready to process I-9s at 8am before orientation; the earlier you get here, the better! (This step must be completed before you can start any training or attend orientation.)
  • Orientation will be in the Summit Room on the 2nd floor of the Tye Creek Lodge. Make sure to check in where you will receive a name tag and a raffle ticket
  • Orientation will be approximately 2.5 hours. It will be interactive and we hope that you will have fun!
  • Please pack a lunch and/or snacks/beverages.
  • Food options will be available for purchase in the Granite Peaks Lodge, do keep in mind the resort will be open for business, to avoid waiting in a line for lunch we would recommend packing lunch.
  • Uniforms will be distributed in the company store following orientation This is for full-time and part-time employees only (not intermittent coaches).
  • Don’t Forget: Skiers should bring the gear you’ll be teaching on to drop off with the techs.
  • Skiers need to bring their skis + bindings + boots.
  • Snowboarders will have a form for self-inspection to complete and turn in. For this you’ll only need your make and model of your board, boots, and bindings.
  • Can’t make it this Friday?? We will have an alternative option for you to complete, more details coming soon!


BITS: Reminder that “Back In The Saddle” or BITS clinics for returning instructors are to be completed by Dec 18th! These will be held Fri-Sun this weekend; if you do not get a lesson, or are not scheduled to work please sign up for an appropriate clinic!

Log in: HERE (Remember you need your MTN#, password = rtp2013) Follow the link at the top – Training Clinic Sign Up **Please don’t sign up if you are on the schedule to teach this day!

SHADOWS Reminder that all rookie’s shadows are to be completed by Dec 17th for Full Time Instructors and Dec 23rd for Part Time Instructors! Please get in contact with us by emailing snowsports@stevenspass.com if you are unsure on your next scheduled day to work or do not have your seasons pass yet.

Tuning Bench: Due to too many hot irons causing the smoke alarm to go off and a fire truck to be sent up to the resort, our waxing privilege has been temporarily taken away. We are actively working with our maintenance department to come up with a solution to bring waxing back to the locker room soon!


Locks and Lockers:  If you haven’t yet claimed a locker by writing your name on a locker and telling Lauren or Sydney which locker you are in you must do so by Sunday at 3pm. After that point we’ll be emptying out lockers with no name written on them or not in our school’s records. Also, we’re lifting the restriction on locks! You may now bring your own lock with the understanding that if management needs to get into your locker for any reason we may cut the lock at your expense if we can’t get a hold of you to open it first. Feel free to leave locker combinations with Lauren/Sydney for safe keeping just in case (but please no keys!)

Bunkhouse Reminders: Please make sure to sign in to claim a bed in the bunkhouse– sign in sheet is in the SSS locker room outside of Sydney’s office. This also ensures you are able to obtain an overnight parking pass for your vehicle. Priority goes to those working the next day, so do have other arrangements in mind if there happens to be no space some nights as we go into this holiday period. Bunkhouse Guidelines can be reviewed on the Resources tab of the school website. Any questions please see our Bunkhouse Dad, Ben Christy.

Cashiers: All full timers will be expected to work 6 days each week, Dec. 17th-Jan. 2nd. All part-timers will be expected to give us availability during the week, any help is really needed and hugely appreciated! You guys look like pros out there and each and every one of you have improved greatly! I know we’ve got this together as a team, so let’s do this!

Uniforms are ready, so please stop by HR to get your shirts– You are expected to wear this for the rest of the season.

Reminder as we head into the holidays from December 17th-January 2nd if you are working the day shift your start time is 7:30AM every day.

MOUNTAIN WIDE UPDATES: Holiday and Nights!!

Holiday Madness: It’s that time of year everyone! Starting this weekend, kids are out of school and the holiday craziness will begin. Just a reminder that full timers will be scheduled for 6 days the next two weeks and we appreciate any and all shifts that part timers can add to their schedule. If you can offer days, let us know! This is the time of the season for us all to pull together as a team and to bank hours! Keep on top of your schedule, your energy, and your health so you can do your part!

Night Operations: Starting Friday, Dec 16th, the resort night operations schedule begins!! We will be operating until 10pm on most days over the next couple of weeks. Go here for the full resort opening hours.

Avalanche Hazard:  We’ve been getting some amazing powder recently, but be aware that our current snow pack is not typical for the PNW. This relatively shallow snowpack with unusually cold air is increasing the avalanche hazard. If you are venturing out into the backcountry, be sure to check NWAC site before you go.


Sadly, this winter has had its first avalanche fatalities, one at Mt Rose and one in Cooke City Montana. Our patrol blog has more details http://stevenspasspatrol.blogspot.com/