17 Jan

The Word – 1/17/17

Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for your hard work over this crazy holiday weekend– we appreciate everyone that gave us extra availability- whether it was a full day or an extra 30 min at the end of your shift, to everyone that was flexible getting bounced around all day, and to everyone that helped keep the locker room a positive environment! This weekend was a great representation of a strong team effort within our school and rental shop, therefore…


LAST Business Card Order: If you’d like to order business cards, now is your last chance for the season! If so, please let either Sydney or Lauren know or send us an email to snowsports@stevenspass.com with your first and last name, contact info (phone number, email, etc), and any PSIA/AASI certifications. This order is DUE: Thurs 1/19!

Facebook is HERE: Wed, Feb 15th we will have Facebook here to take lessons with us! This will be one of our largest groups this season– please let us know if you would like to add this day to your schedule by emailing snowsports@stevenspass.com. Thanks in advance!

Locker Room Reminders: It has come to our attention that the locker room door has been propped open while folks are out night riding, just a firm reminder that we can NOT have the door (even the back door) propped open late at night. We have way too much $$ in gear in our locker room to leave that exposed– no one wants their gear stolen or misplaced. Please check out a key card with Sydney or another supervisor or buddy up and ride with a friend– there are plenty of folks out there with access to the locker room!

The Waxing station has been reopened!!!!

By using the waxing station you are agreeing to the fact that you understand and will follow the waxing rules that have been set forth here at the bottom of the Policies and Expectations page under the Resources tab of our school website.

If you have any doubts ask one of the official wax trainers TJ Burch, Ryan Downey, John Buck, David O’Donnell, Steve Frink  don’t just wing it!!! Happy sliding!

Flow Zone Report: Wrap it up, include the Flow Zone map in your conclusion

Don’t let people walk away from your lesson thinking they just slid around and had fun. During your conclusion, remind them of the skills they learned at each of the features, and how those skills built upon each other to teach them to ski/ride. You can also use the Flow Zone map to point out what they should work on next and what to tell their next coach.

The conclusion is a critical part of the Teaching Cycle learn more about the Teaching Cycle (and more) in the New Instructor Guide, free from PSIA/AASI!


Remember to check and sign up for free clinics on the RTP Clinic Schedule.

Whether you are, or are not, intending to pursue a certification level, these clinics will help you to learn and grow your knowledge, teaching and riding skills as a professional snowsports instructor regardless of your interest in certification exams. Please do not sign up for clinics if you are on the schedule to work at that time- check with your supervisor first, then come out and play! Learn, engage and have fun with your peers!

Level 1 Certification Info

For any instructors that are interested in becoming members of PSIA/AASI and becoming part of our Professional Snowsports Instructor Association:

Please check out how to join online. Here is the “How to Join” page:http://www.psia-nw.org/membership/how-to-join/

For Alpine staff interested in Level 1 certification please review and get familiar with the PSIA concepts covered in the attached 2016 level 1 indoor Guide-Alpine

Download Alpine Level I Indoor Guide 2016-17 (PDF)

For Snowboard staff interested in Level 1 certification please review and get familiar with the AASI concepts covered in the attached 2016 level 1 indoor Guide-Snowboard

Download Snowboard Level I Indoor Guide 2016-17 (PDF)

Weekly Learning Topics

Every week your Training Team leads will be asking you, our staff, to engage in being a learner yourself, and to help share you knowledge with others. We plan to do this by presenting a learning topic or question(s) of the week under this new section. Your mission is to look through PSIA/ASSI professional and educational resources, manuals etc. to improve whatever your current level of understanding is on the subject for the week, and then discuss your thoughts questions and takeaways with your fellow staff at the mountain. The goal is to engage all of us in continuous learning and improvement, and we thought this would be a fun way to engage with each other and to learn more together.

This week’s Learning topic is: What do the following mean to you, and how or why is it of importance in snowsports instruction?

The American Teaching Systems philosophy of Student Centered teaching?

The Learning Partnership?

How are the above different and/or similar?

If you are brand new to instruction have fun learning about something new, If you are a seasoned instructor explore your own depth of knowledge on this. Most importantly engage with each other share what you learned, ask questions, and challenge yourself to be continuously learning and improving your skills and knowledge. Thanks for Playing! 🙂

Questions? Use your trainers as a resource for anything training, tips and tricks, feedback, and advice!


Thank you to all the rentals staff and instructors who helped out in rentals for making this an outstanding weekend! We put 200 guests an hour through the shop on our best hour, which is really amazing.

Even though we still built a large line because of the massive amounts of people coming to rent, we got them through the line relativity quickly and were able to keep everything well organized.

Coming up is the largest rental group of the year: Facebook. On Wed, February 15th the might bring as many as 350 renters to the shop, so we will need as much help as we can possibly get. If you can be available, even for just a couple hours in the morning please let Brian know.

MOUNTAIN WIDE NEWS: Employee Appreciation!

Employee Appreciation Week will be Monday, Jan 23rd – Friday, Jan 27th!

More Details for the Upcoming Week!

POW: Performer Of the Week

Can you think of an employee who goes above and beyond or witnessed a random act of kindness?! You can nominate this person!

Here is how it works:

  • Fill out POW nomination slip– available at HR or next to the Shift Change Forms in the locker room
  • Completed nominations will be returned to HR
  • HR will hang up completed forms on our POW sign outside the Company Store
  • Every Friday, HR will randomly choose a POW employee from the board for weekly prizes
  • Every month, HR will do another drawing from the 4 weekly POW winners for a grand monthly prize
  • Winners will be notified and can come by HR to pick up their prize and have their photo taken
  • All winners & nominees will be featured in our weekly newsletter

Employee Parking Reminder

Employees carpooling with 4 or more folks can park for free in our newest G Lot. If you have 4 or more people in your car, please drive on up there.