24 Jan

The Word – 1/24/17

Hello everyone!! Thanks for all your hard work and help over another big weekend! We’re extending our Employee Appreciation Week into the weekend, today was Crazy Hat Day… keep reading for our version of this over the weekend 😉


Friday Morning Meeting: Just a reminder, if you see an 8:30am Line Up Meeting on your schedule this will take place in the Cascadian Kitchen at 8:30am sharp…get your breakfast burritos before the meeting begins! Do keep in mind you may still be scheduled for support at 8am. Please take note of your schedule for the upcoming weekend!

Employee Appreciation Weekend: We’re extending Employee Appreciation Week through Saturday & Sunday! We will have bagels, doughnuts, and coffee in the locker room on Saturday morning.

AND… In sticking with the themes of each day… we’re having CRAZY HELMET WEEKEND!! Decorate, bedazzle, sparkle, your helmet the craziest and we’ll have a winner announced next week in The Word. Don’t worry if you don’t have an arsenal of craft supplies at home, we’ll have some on hand for you to work on your decorations throughout the day 🙂

Weekly Lesson Survey Data: Check out our locker room posters to see updates on this data. Each individual that takes a lesson with us receives an email survey and an area for comments and feedback; one of the questions asked is “On a scale from 1-10, how much fun did you have in your lesson today?”

In the beginning of the season we set a goal, as a school to average a score of 9.0… currently, we are sitting at an 8.4 average!!! Once we hit our goal, we’ll celebrate with a party! Updates to come weekly + check the locker room ski racer tracker. (Thanks Nikole, Ellen, and Lauren Wooster for your wonderful craft skills!)

Lesson Survey Data Breakdown


Private Book Average: 8.8

Youth Programs Average: 8.6

Adult Programs Average: 8.3

From a total of over 1,200 surveys since opening day.

Extra Days?: If you have any availability during President’s weekend or week (Feb 18th – Feb 24th) please let us know!

Another busy day will be: Wed, Feb 15th when Facebook is here! This will be a unique and fun format for teaching vs our typical lesson format. Please email snowsports@stevenspass.com if you are interested in either of these days! Thanks in advance!


Our students all share two common goals or outcomes; to have fun, and to ski/ride!

How can we maximize the amount our students are moving, skiing or riding during the short time we have with them? Some questions to start the discussion

  • What is an appropriate ratio between talking about skiing/riding and practicing skiing/riding?
  • How much information does someone need before practicing a task?
  • How can we set up our classes so multiple students can move and practice at the same time?
  • When are the best times to present information?

RENTALS:Tech Olympics!!!!

This weekend we will be hosting TECH OLYMPICS!!! Winners will be judged on time, efficiency, and hitting key points during your transactions. More details to come over the weekend… good luck to all the contestants interested in participating! Results will be listed in next week’s post of The Word.


W2s from the 2016 fiscal year are HERE. Please pick yours up from Human Resources before January 28th, 2017. Any W2 not claimed before January 28th, will be sent out to the mailing address listed in ADP. If this address is not correct you must:

  1. Update this address in ADP using the link provided above
  2. Email humanresources@stevenspass.com and provide your current mailing address