28 Mar

The Word – 3/28/17

Hello everyone!! Hope you’re all breaking out your onesies for the weekend and ready for a throwback day- Retro Fools day is this Saturday, April 1st… or is it? April Fools!


April 22nd and 23rd: In case you haven’t heard, we have extended our operations to add in one last weekend of Winter. Instructors that are on the schedule for the weekend prior, April 15th and 16th, you have been added to the schedule for April 22nd and 23rd… we know this is beyond everyone’s original commitment so if you would like to opt out or are unavailable please let us know at least a week in advance, by 4/16.

No worries, this won’t affect your end of season bonus or rehire status we’d just like a head count for the weekend. This also means Springfest has moved to the last day of the season, April 23rd which means it will be a super fun weekend on mountain!!

Kudos Board: Here are the most recent Kudos from March 20th-28th.

Private Book

Eric 3-23-17 Coach Dale. My kids loved it.
Brendan 3-22-17 Josh was awesome. I went from the bunny slope to a black diamond in about an hour and had a great time.
Mark 3-21-17 Rusty was a great instructor who adjusted the lesson to the students and pushed us to go just past our comfort zone (but not too far).
Conrad 3-21-17 Josh was super awesome with our 4 year old. So much improvement in one lesson
Stephanie 3-20-17 my instructor Kevin was great! very positive attitude and really helpful tips to improve my form

Youth Programs

Gabriel 3-23-17 My son loved his instructor “Big Ben “, and was excited to come to another lesson. He had begun the day not wanting to take a lesson.
Josephine 3-23-17 My daughter skied with Ben Zweber and had a fantastic time! It was wonderful picking her up after class, she was so happy and excited. I also appreciated very much how Ben took the time to go over what they did and worked on. I got to ask some questions that I had, and the whole experience was just great!! Lots of thanks to Ben. Especially since I believe it’s so important to get a positive start now when my daughter is new to skiing.
Lexi 3-23-17 Brandon C was the instructor for my 7 year old daughter (first timer) and my son who is a skier but was boarding for the first time. Brandon was very good. Kept my daughter engaged and tough through the full day lesson. Both my son and daughter could make it down the course without falling by the end of the day.
Delilah 3-22-17 George was great with my daughter. Despite the heavy snow and how distracted she got he kept her moving. She had a great time.
Luca 3-20-17 TJ & Aden are great at helping Luca have fun. They recognize he’s not as challenged as on the D-Team and care a lot about ensuring he at least has fun and find some elements he can practice that keep his skill level up.

Adult Programs

Miriam 3-26-17 Sandy rocks!
Jordyn 3-26-17 Austin did a nice job. He was helpful and patient.
Joanne 3-25-17 Sandy rocks!
Lee 3-24-17 What can I say? Sandy is superb. She balances giving careful attention with just enough challenge to enable her students to progress at a steady, comfortable rate. I rate her as tops. Thanks Sandy.
Joel 3-24-17 Anthony was great!
Lindsay 3-24-17 Brandon was incredibly helpful – he provided very specific feedback on technique and pushed me past my comfort zone in a very safe, supportive way.
Yanka 3-21-17 Dave, thanks to you I made a great improvement during the class. I’ll be happy if I have my next lesson with you again.
Sara 3-21-17 Sandy was my instructor and she was amazing. The class was fun and very helpful. I liked the use of drills and Sandy was extremely knowledgeable and a very effective instructor. I want her to be my instructor every time!
Randi 3-20-17 Thank you Dan V for providing an exceptional experience and giving me the confidence I needed to move on to the blue runs. It was a fun day and I learned a lot!

Fun Score Update:”How much fun did you have in your lesson?” …Our fun score has been up lately, with an average of 9.0 this week! Let’s keep it up as we enter Spring!

PS– Our resort visits are on track to hit our goal of 415,000! We passed 400,000 last Saturday… keep getting out there to ride, remember our employee scans count too!

Party Plans:Come join us for our ski school and rental shop department BBQ party! Saturday, April 8th from 4:00-6:00pm at ski school– Awards, games, and BBQ dinner! Check your email for a nomination ballot for our department awards that will be given out at the party. If you didn’t’ get this survey please email us at snowsports@stevenspass.com.

Instructor Survey: Check your email for a survey sent to all instructors and trainers in regards to lesson feedback. You guys are the ones out there day to day as the face of our school… we’d love to know what you all think! What worked this season? What didn’t work this season? Changes? If you didn’t get the survey and would like it, please email us at snowsports@stevenspass.com


Good luck to everyone entering exam season!! Remember to use your trainers and clinic leaders for any last minute questions or tips.


Stevens Pass Climate Team:

Check us out…https://stevenspassclimateteam.org/


Last Early Ups: This week is our last Employee Early-Ups– Friday, March 31st at 8am! Get some turns in before work and before any other guests!

End of Season Company Party: We’re looking forward to seeing you all there!

When: Friday, March 31st from 5:30-8:30pm (Downhill transit will be available at 8:45pm)

Where: Granite Peaks Lodge

What: Catered dinner… local favorite! Discounted drinks! Awards! Raffle prizes ! Hangout with all your co-workers on mountain!