Teen & Adult Beginner Lessons


Teen & Adult Lessons is one of the assignments you may receive as an instructor. In this area, you will be teaching group lessons to people aged 13+ of all levels, however in this area, you’ll most frequently be working within the Flowzone, moving from station to station with your class to develop the skills and confidence needed to become proficient.

Products to Know:

Single Day Lessons: Available in both lesson-only and package products. You can find more information on these products here.

A Day in the Life of an Adult Programs Coach

Check-in: A coaches day always begins with checking in on the computer in the locker room. This shows your supervisor (Steve) that you are here, and ready for your first assignment. Your day may start* with support as early as 8:00 am, or may start later in the day with your first line-up.

*Please note that we will never change your start time after your schedule is posted without verbal confirmation from you. For more information, check out the “Understanding your Schedule Tab.

Support: We expect all of our coaches to assist with support in some way or another. Your assignments may vary day-to-day, and the amount we need your assistance may vary, but it is important to understand that this is an expectation we hold everyone to. Support may mean assisting to set-up fencing and the corral, snow removal, assistance in the rental shop, or anything else your supervisor/coordinator asks. We rotate part-timers through support as much as possible, to spread the workload out evenly between everyone, and full-timers are assigned more regularly, to supplement your hours. This is a great way to not only be guaranteed more hours in a day, but to diversify your skill set as well, learning more areas of the school and department.

Line-up: Depending on your start time, each instructor will have at least one line-up every day. This is where you’ll receive information about what is going on within the program and around the resort for the day. It may also include safety information, and assistance with snow conditions as well as recommendations on how to utilize flowzone features depending on the snow/weather from your supervisor, coordinator, or trainers. This is a great time to dialogue, ask questions, and even get a little silly with your co-workers.

Lessons: Depending on your schedule, you may work between two and three lessons in a day. In this program, we like to try and send out bigger groups (6-10 students) with two instructors. Team-teaching is a great way to learn from each other, work together for better class-handling, and ensure that each of your students feels like they have the support they need to succeed.

Sign-out: Some days, depending on when your last lesson is, you may be asked to help tear-down. This means assisting in putting away all the signs and fencing. Don’t worry; you get paid, and many hands make light work. When all of your assignments are completed for the day, sign out with your supervisor or check the “Supe Sheet” to make sure the supervisors recorded all your activities for the day and sign it. This ensures you are paid properly for your hard work!