12 Nov

The Word – 11/12/2015

Hello everyone, its been snowing all day up here and we have easily 6+ inches at the base and much more up top! The mountain is looking for any excuse to get a lift spinning so keep connect to our facebook page and the website for more info. We are expecting heavy rain through the weekend though that will put a damper on proceedings but you never know. Winter is definitely here and the storms are stacking up so keep praying!!

By the way, we know that when viewing this website on a mobile device there are some issues with the menus. We are looking into it! For now, please use a laptop or computer for the best experience!


YourAi??Next Step

Thank you to everyone who attended orientation last weekend. We hope it was at least a 1% improvement! ;). The next step for everyone will be to read and run through our Policies and Procedures and information about working in the various areas of the school. All this information is posted online now. Go to the ‘Resources’ menu at the top of this page and click on ‘Policies and Procedures’ to work through the information.

On the last page there is a  short quiz to gauge your knowledge on various key pieces of info. It’s not a test, and the answers are displayed as you work through it. The idea is just that by completing and submitting the quiz you are stating that you read through the information and have a basic understanding of it. The quiz is for instructors, but other staff are welcome to complete it as well!

New instructors should complete the quiz and read through the information a couple of times prior to their new instructor training. You will have received more information on this separately.

Returning instructors should read the info and complete the quiz prior to coming back up for Back in the Saddle Training or working.

All instructors will need to complete this task before having their pass activated, or receiving their season pass.


HR Paperwork

If you have outstanding onboarding tasks to finish with HR please check your email for those and get them done asap. We apologize for any confusion regarding IDs and who needed to bring them. Moving forward HR will require IDs from all employees each year in order to remain compliant on their end.


Next Orientation Opportunity

The next opportunity to do orientation will be Saturday December 5th from 11am-3pm. If you did not attend Saturday you will automatically be added to the list for the 5th. Please let us know if you cannot make this date as soon as possible, as there will not be many other opportunities to attend and we will need to work out a time for you.


Name Tags

HR would like to start getting everyone’s hometown displayed on their name tag. This will take some time, but we can at least start with the name tags for new folks and those that need new name tags. Please just shoot us a quick email with your name and hometown and we will start building that database up! The earlier we get this info the more folks we can outfit prior to the season. If you can provide this by Monday 16th November that would be a huge help.



Business Cards

For anyone who didn’t let us know they would like some business cards, or for anyone who wishes to order some who was not here on Saturday…

The cost is about $20 for 250, deducted from your paycheck. Just send us a quick email to snowsports@stevenspass.com before Monday 16th November letting us know you would like some so we can get you on this pre-season order. The following will appear on your business cards:

  1. Your Name
  2. Your title
  3. Your certifications
  4. Your Cell phone #
  5. Your personal email.
  6. Stevens Pass logo and information

We don’t need you to fill out this information. We’ll use the information given to us in your application and on the PSIA/AASI roster.

Refer a Friend

As you heard in orientation, we are initiating a Refer-a-Friend program to help us reach our hiring targets. A huge number of our new employees come from referrals each year, so if you know someone who would be a good fit and they end up getting hired and working for 10 days this season you will receive $50!

All they need to do is reference you in their application to let HR know you referred them and you will receive the $50 in the form of a Snodough gift card once they work the 10 days.