02 Mar

The Word – 3/2/16

WOO!! We made it through multi-week madness– thanks again for all of your hard work and flexibility, it is much appreciated…and now the spring POW has arrived!

Party People!!

We have already hit 4,000 return students so we’re celebrating once again!! This Sunday we will be doing a Hawaiian theme party- food will be provided per usual but feel free to bring a dish to share if you’d like. Costumes are encouraged–think leis, Hawaiian shirts, boardies, and tourist attire. We are 1,000 return students away from our overall season goal of 5,000…let’s make it happen this month! Oh, and there will be a Spam Sculpting contest as well as prizes for the best dressed so bring your A(loha)-Game! Fun Starts an Noon!!!!

Attention Snowboarders…

Zumiez will be visiting Wednesday March 16th and will be taking snowboard lessons with us! If you are interested in helping out for this event let us know, we’re open to some shift swapping bargaining as well!

We will be hosting a Burton Riglet Park event on Easter Sunday 27th March as part of our free base area activities for kids. A Riglet Park is a tiny terrain park designed exclusively for 3-6 year old snowboarders and is pretty rad. Here’s a vid from one we did a couple seasons back. If you are interested in teaching for this event please let us know!

We want your feedback!

The Employee Opinion Survey is out and we are seeking your feedback. You should have received an email from HR but in case you didn’t, here is a link to the survey. It’s taking folks around 10 minutes to complete and has been totally revamped from previous seasons. We really wanted to really drill down into what you guys enjoy and wish was better about working here, and despite the survey being anonymous, have asked some pretty targeted questions about who you are so that we can apply the right changes to the right areas.

We really appreciate your feedback and look forward to being able to act on the responses. We’ve had 54 responses from Ski and SB School so far, so get on it if you haven’t already!

End of Season Bonus

So as many of you will know, employees who finish out the season in good standing are eligible to receive a bonus of $0.30 for every hour worked. This is paid out if as a company we hit these two goals:

  • NPS (Net Promoter Score) of 9.0 or higher. This is related to a single question on our guest survey – “How likely are you to recommend Stevens Pass to a friend or family member” and is scored out of 10.
  • Overall Visits of 398,000. This is the number of visits to the mountain, not including employees 😉

We are currently at:

  • NPS of 8.8
  • Visits of 305,430

This means we are well on track to meet our visit goal based on historical projections, and not far away from our NPS score either.

We appreciate all the hard work that everyone is putting in this year. We hope with this continued storm cycle that you will all have a chance to enjoy the spring time. Thank you for all that you do.