09 Mar

The Word – 3/9/16

Hello everyone! Thanks for making our party last weekend super fun. Keep up the great work and enthusiasm, we truly appreciate it!

Employee Early Ups!

Next Wednesday, March 16th Hogsback will be open at 8:00am for employees only! Come get a few runs in before the mountain opens to the public!

Calling All Snowboarders…

We are currently looking for more coaches to help out next Wednesday, March 16th for snowboard lessons with Zumiez. We are also willing to swap some weekend shifts for this date too– let us know!

Credits Updated

An updated list (season to date through the end of Feb) of development credits, training hours, and private request hours has been posted in the locker room! As you may have seen from an email sent earlier this week, unfortunately instructor incentive pay did not get added onto the most previous paycheck, received last Friday, March 4th– We apologize for this mishap, it will automatically be added onto your next paycheck- Friday March 18th.

Training News

Every certified member of the NW Division is required to attend at least one educational event each season. Stevens Pass is bringing in PSIA-NW divisional staff members for day clinics in April. Snowboarders Saturday April 9th and Skiers Saturday April 2nd and Sunday the 17th. Sign up in RTP right away, space in these clinics is limited.

Certification Exams are coming!!!

Level 1 candidates come prepared to give a teaching segment as described in the NEW! Alpine Level I Process 2015-16 (PDF) document.

All the details of the level 1 certification process can be seen here on our school website.

Level 2/3 candidates you will be assigned a teaching topic during your exam as described in the PSIA-NW Alpine Certification Guide 2015-16 (PDF). The days of choosing your own teaching topic are over.

We want your feedback!

The Employee Opinion Survey is out and we are seeking your feedback. You should have received an email from HR but in case you didn’t, here is a link to the survey. It’s taking folks around 10 minutes to complete and has been totally revamped from previous seasons. We really wanted to really drill down into what you guys enjoy and wish was better about working here, and despite the survey being anonymous, have asked some pretty targeted questions about who you are so that we can apply the right changes to the right areas.

We really appreciate your feedback and look forward to being able to act on the responses. We’ve had almost 70 responses from Ski and SB School so far!

Locker Room Business

Please remember to keep the backdoor shut! As sunny spring days roll near I know we all want to prop the locker room doors open, but we MUST remember to close them at the end of the day. Our locker room is home to a lot of expensive gear– think about how upset you would be if your gear was stolen!

Return Students Goal!!!!

You guys are awesome–we’ve blown past our return students goal for the season of 5,000… currently we are almost to 6,000 return students! We’re planning on doing our BBQ spring time party Saturday, March 26th, after night operations have ended and lessons are done for the day. Fun awards will be given out for the season!

Mountain Exchange

Please remember to give at least 48 hours notice for HR to process your mountain exchange forms- don’t forget you also need a manager’s signature prior to turning in exchange forms. If you didn’t already know, as an employee we are eligible for free lift tickets to various resorts- check out this list.

Ski For Tyson

Tyson’s memorial will be held at the Stanwood Fairgrounds on March 13th from 1:00-3:00pm. Opwn Kilfoyle is your contact if you have any questions- owenvenku@gmail.com. There has been a GoFundMe page set up in his honor for a Youth Ski Scholarship, information can be found here: https://www.gofundme.com/skifortyson.

We’re taking orders for Tyson t-shirts until March 19th: https://www.customink.com/g/nxq0-00ag-0rpu

Rest in Powder, Tyson <3

Pro Deal: Renoun Skis

On March 15th, we’re offing a discount for 2016/17 models we’re calling Pro-Day. It’s a one-day sale only. No exceptions.

50% – Level 1 instructors and general employees (techs, reception, customer service etc.) [checkout code: pro-day1]

60% – Level 2 instructors. [checkout code: pro-day2]

70% – Level 3 instructors and Patrollers. [checkout code: pro-day3]

  • Codes will not activate until March 15th at 00:00:01am
  • All orders to be placed on-line on March 15th at: http://renoun.com/products.
  • Authenticity of employment and position will be verified after purchase. Misrepresentation will result in termination of order and a re-issuance fee of $50.
  • You must currently hold cert. for level of discount applied. No exceptions.
  • Participants get the first skis off the press this summer!

Questions? email: info@renoun.com

Kudos Board

“Ken Bailey is an awesome instructor! I learned more from him in my level 2 class than my level 1. He was able to really access our level and give us really constructive advice for improvement all while making it fun!” (From:Claire Tompkins)
“My daughter is in the Mountain Leadership Program. We love it! This is a key reason for us to continue coming back to Stevens Pass. The team that manages that program, especially Lauren Barnes, is outstanding!” (From: Darin Klein)
“Instructors, Jacque and Danelle, were awesome!” (From:Clara Cunnane)
“I have taken a few snowboarding lessons in the past in other mountains and by far Steven’s lessons have been the best. The instructor provided a lot of detail about how to perform every movement correctly, gave a lot of encouragement, and I was able to learn way more in a couple of lessons that I have learned in the past.” (instructor Garrett Peckler)
“Tom was an amazing instructor. Very patient and never gave up on me.” (from Linda Lang)
“Don was absolutely amazing!” (from Monica Pagano)
Sophia called me back 2 times and we discussed the later afternoon opening. She made me feel comfortable and excited to try a later afternoon schedule!