21 Dec

The Word – 12/21/16


Thank you ALL for your hard work during this holiday madness, we truly appreciate it! As we enter the busiest time of the season please stay rested and healthy so we can all push through this upcoming week as a strong team! As busy as our departments are, do keep in mind, all other departments are feeling the holiday stress too; let’s do our best to be courteous and kind when interacting with our fellow employees on mountain.


Policy Reminders:

  • Do not use someone else’s equipment! Even if you think you are borrowing it… if they didn’t give you permission, it is stealing!
  • Locker room is for Ski & Snowboard School Staff only. Children under 12 may accompany their guardian into the locker room but must be supervised at all times. Non-employees or staff from other departments may be allowed in the break room portion of the locker room ONLY by permission of a supervisor/manager but NEVER after hours (5:00pm). They may not use our bathrooms.
  • If your uniform gets dirty you may take it to the company store next to HR to be washed. Try and keep jackets in your locker unless you are working the next day and it needs to dry overnight. You may not take our uniform home with you under any circumstances.

Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest!!

‘Tis the season–break out your best ugly holiday sweater! Wear them any day over this holiday weekend, Thursday-Sunday. We will take a group photo at line ups as your entry into the school contest. We’ll announce winners in next weeks post of The Word and the prizes!!

Holiday Schedules:

We completely understand the desire to spend the holiday’s with family and friends, therefore we are doing our best to match everyone’s request off for the weekend, however we will make these call offs by Friday at the latest. Don’t forget to check your schedules and start times as we enter the busiest week of the season!

Have you lost something??

…Updated “JAIL” location!

items left out in the locker room will end up in Jail. Jail is next to the boot dryer as seen in the photo. Items in Jail are NOT up for grabs! Taking items out of jail that are not your own is stealing Don’t do it. But if you are missing something it will probably be in jail.

As seen in the Locker Room Guidelines right here.

  1. Boots only are allowed on top of lockers. All other equipment and other items must be in your locker when you leave at night, no exceptions.
  2. Take wet personal items home to dry (gloves, layers, socks, etc.). Do not hang your clothes or any items from the pipes. This is a fire code. Hooks on sides of lockers are for drying items during the day only. Wet instructor jackets may stay on the outside of your locker.

Stuff hanging off your lockers is a pain in the butt for the people who have a locker near yours. That is the main reason we have this rule, courtesy to your fellow instructors. As a bonus the locker room looks a lot nicer.

So next time you see a stray pair of goggles getting kicked around the locker room, grab them and hang them in jail so the owner will get them back safely. Please contact steve.frink@stevenspass.comfor questions!



New snow and a visit from SNOW Operating has left us with a fully functioning and nearly complete Flow Zone.

Come prepared to take full advantage of the new features. Follow the progressions learned in the BITS clinics and rookie training to take full advantage of the new features. The official Flow Zone maps will start to be distributed to guests this weekend.

Let me know how it works out. I will be looking for feedback and will make any changes we need. Let me know if you have any questions steve.frink@stevenspass.com


Holiday Coupons are vouchers for: discounted lift tickets, complimentary lift tickets, rental packages, discounted lessons, retail discounts, etc– these are to give to anyone!

We are working hard to get the thousands of coupons printed and handed out to you guys during this holiday period. We will distribute them as they arrive!