10 Jan

The Word – 1/10/17

Hello! First weekend of Multi-Week Madness… CHECK! Thank you all for being flexible and helpful team players, we appreciate it tremendously! Now that we’ve smoothed out the bumps we should find a nice rhythm to our weekends.


MLK MONDAY – HELP NEEDED! Monday 16th is a holiday Monday and we are in real need of some additional instructor help if anyone is available. Please let us know ASAP if you are not scheduled but would be happy to help out. Full time instructors and leads be sure to check your schedule as days off have shifted for some of you.

If any full timers would like to add Monday as a 6th day this week please let us know. As a holiday day we guarantee 8 hours for full timers that are scheduled, and following this week, mid-week work will slow down until the next holiday period (Presidents and Mid-winter break) towards the end of February. Thanks!

FULL TIME INSTRUCTORS: Keep an eye out for a scheduled meeting starting THIS FRIDAat 8:30am-9:00am. The idea behind this weekly Friday meeting is so you will not need to attend lineup meetings on the weekend- Sat/Sun. Keep in mind you may still be scheduled for support at 8am. The meeting will take place indoors, in the West Wing of the Cascadian Kitchen each week. The CK starts serving breakfast from 8am, so feel free to be early if you plan on grabbing something to eat.

TRAINING: Clinics are scheduled for the month, Fri-Sun! Friday afternoon clinics are created with our full time crew in mind to allow for you guys to maximize your weekend working hours Sat/Sun… But of course anyone is welcome to participate! Ski & Snowboard Level 1, 2, 3 exam prep, Park SMART clinics, Freestyle, cross-over clinics, and more!

Clock-Rider Inspection Program is BACK ON! If you are an employee that skis or snowboards for work, your gear must be inspected...

  • Check-in your gear and bring correctly filled-out paperwork.
  • All equipment being left needs to be labeled with full name and department
  • Remember this are legal documents so please write legibly
  • Equipment can be dropped off between opening and 3:00pm depending on business levels
  • There is a 48-hour minimum turnaround period
  • When picking up, please check-in at the repair counter
  • Do not take equipment from the testing area
  • Please plan ahead and be polite!
  • Repair staff works long hours, too… Respect gets respect!

FLOW ZONE UPDATE:  Thank you all for keeping the flow during our busiest time. A lot of those Multi-Week students will be up Daisy by next weekend and they will all be gone in another week so things will be back to normal.

This weekends addition was the left banked turn in Zone 3 on the lower carpet. It is a gentler way down than the straight run above the baby carpet. Skiers have had a lot of success in Zone 3 while a lot of snowboarders head to Zone 4 the mini pipe sooner.

Please send all Flow Zone tips, requests, etc.  to steve.frink@stevenspass.com


Join us— Employee Early Ups!

When: Wed, Jan 11th from 8-9am

Where: Hogsback (before the public tears it up!)

PS- Breakfast burritos will be for first come first serve at the top of the lift…NOM!