14 Feb

The Word – 2/14/17

Happy Valentines Day, my fellow snow lovers! Sounds like we’ve got some more snow in the future this upcoming weekend just in time for the last big holiday weekend of the season!


KUDOS BOARD:Here are the most recent Kudos from last week

Private Book Kudos

  • Charles (2/2/17) “Thanks for the tips! The practices you gave me should help, especially on a slow day or day with poor snow. Thanks Dan!”
  • Annica (2/4/17) “Bob is great! He handled the very challenging task of customizing the lesson for three students working on three different things. We are looking forward to booking another lesson with him soon. “
  • Christa (2/1/17) “thank you Dan for helping me get back on the lift! it was so helpful to build my confidence, and the information on how skis have changed since i skied regularly was great. i caught up with my friends, and skied off of the hogsback and skyline lifts in the afternoon and kept up with them. it was a very empowering day, and i can not wait to ski again. thanks for helping to make it possible! cheers!”
  • David (2/2/17) “Kevin was a great ski instructor that listened to what we wanted to practice and tailored the lesson to us in addition to throwing in some fundamentals that we had never practiced. We had a lot of fun and learned a good deal. We will definitely come back and take another lesson from him.”
  • Elsa (2/2/17) “thanks! Jill was great for my daughter”
  • Rebecca (2/4/17) “Abde was very very patient and encouraging. Didn’t push me beyond my comfort level at all and didn’t make me feel self-conscious right down to not knowing how to put my helmet/goggles together”

Youth Programs Kudos

  • Cooper (2/1/17) “Beth was really great with Cooper”
  • Mason (2/2/17) “Kai was awesome!”
  • Ryan (2/2/17) “Kai Laszlo had Ben as an instructor
    Ryan Laszlo had Britt as an instructor
    Both instructors gave feedback to parents after the lessons. They both seemed nice, positive, and invested in the kids learning and/or having fun. We will be back.”

Adult Programs Kudos

  • Amanda (2/3/17) “Drew was an amazing instructor. He gave constructive criticism while maintaining a light and fun demeanor. It was nice to have fun but also get some real tips from a long time snowboarder. He really was able to spot weak areas and helped my sister and me feel more comfort on a snowboard. Would definitely recommend Drew to anyone who is interested in learning how to snowboard!”
  • Jarrett (2/3/17) “Sarah was amazing. She taught me years worth of information in a mere 90 minutes.
    1. How to turn
    2. How to stop
    3. Pure enjoyment of snowboarding
    She was awesome
    I’d take another lesson from her AND recommend her highly!”
  • Kyrie (2/5/17) “Amber was an amazing instructor. She worked with me one on one. Was very patient. Allowed everyone to ask questions at the end.”
  • Linh (2/2/17) “Rowen was very professional. His advice helped me improve and get closer to my goals. Thank you!”
  • Thomas (2/2/17) “Rowan was a positive and attentive instructor.”
  • Varsha (2/1/17) “He is awesome. I have now had David for beginner and first time classes. He is so awesome. “
  • Vira (2/1/17) “Abde was really awesome and super supportive. Thanks, again!”
  • Xiaokai (2/1/17) “One of my instructor Sarah was very good, she also spent additional time to take me and another student to Daisy to provide additional feedbacks.”
  • Zachary (2/4/17) “Drew was great and I would love to take more snowboarding lessons with him!”
  • Zorana (2/4/17) “My instructor Matt was great! He helped me learn to traverse and we worked on my turns. He taught me how to get on and off a ski lift. It was a great experience and day! Thank you!”

Fundraising for CHILL: Below is a message from the CHILL Foundation for those of you that are coaches as well as any who are interested in this awesome organization we work with!


I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with some of your instructors about all our programs at Chill Seattle (snow, skate, and SUP). Some have expressed interest in helping us raise funds for Chill Seattle. I wanted to pass along our CrowdRise page should anyone at Stevens care to join in on our fundraising efforts. We have an overall goal to raise $10,000 to help us expand our programs and we have already reached 40% of our goal! We would LOVE to have any of your staff join us. Every little bit counts in the fundraising world. Feel free to share this link with those that seem interested:


You can set up your own personalized team page and talk about why Chill is important to you. From there, I encourage you to share your personalized link with friends and family, their social media pages, etc. to help boost their overall fundraising efforts. I’m also happy to have a one-on-one with anyone on fundraising tips and tricks as well, No pressure to sign up… Just heard some interest from some staff members and wanted to make sure I sent this along!

Jessica Alvarado-Lepine, Seattle Manager for The Chill Foundation


Holiday Coupons: … Are still here! We’ve had another round printed so all employees should have them ready to be picked up from either Sydney or Lauren’s office– stop by and sign yours out- Don’t let free tickets and coupons go to waste!!

Boot Dryer Upgrade:We have more than doubled the airflow going through the boot dryer! In celebration…we will be extending International Wash Your Boots Week. See last week’s Word for details.

Nasty boots will be tagged and cannot be returned to the dryer until they have been cleaned. When boots or gloves get saturated with salt (sweat) they draw moisture from the air and never really dry out, resulting in the Boot Funk that greats you every morning upon walking into our locker room!

RENTALS: Boot Olympics Results

Congratulations to the champion of the first annual international Stevens Pass Tech Olympics boot fitting event: Nelson Cowden held the fastest average time (74.41 sec) to boot fit while maintaining exceptional levels of customer service.

In second place, and qualifying for a prize of a $10 coupon, an international competitor Ana Vega Meyer! Thank you Ana for all your hard work.

The top five times in the event were as follows:

  1. Nelson Cowden
  2. Ana Vega Meyer
  3. Luiz Pereira-De-Souza
  4. Hailey Musall
  5. Julieta Llamazares

Thank you to everyone who has been working upfront this year. It has been going awesome!

MOUNTAIN WIDE NEWS: Shred For Stevens Day

This Sunday, Feb 19th is the 5 year anniversary of an avalanche accident here at Tunnel Creek that deeply affected the SP community. The incident was beautifully covered in this interactive NY Times article, which is well worth a read, or indeed a re-read.It serves as a great reminder to stay safe out there and as an appreciation of the AWESOME community and family we are all a part of!