31 Dec

The Word – 12/31/2015

Happy New Year everyone!

We are almost there, the holiday craziness is just about over. We still have two huge days to go though followed by hopefully a much quieter Sunday. Please note we are full to the point of having a class scheduled for every instructor on the next two days so if you are scheduled please party within your means, and if you are not, make sure you make up for the rest of us!

Going into the final weekend of the holidays here are some important things to know:

Employee Coupons

Everyone who started on or before the holidays should by now have received an email from HR with coupons attached. These coupons are for different discounts around the mountain that you can print and use yourselves or give to friends and family. Also included is a mix of comp and 50% off lift ticket vouchers, the number of which depends on your employee status (full vs part time) and your years of service. The email should explain the details. If you did not receive an email, stop by HR and they can make sure you get them!


Transit is free through Sunday 3rd, but then switches to being $2.00/ride again during the week and only free on the weekends. The full schedule can be found here


Stay Connected

With all the new folks joining here’s a reminder to join our Facebook Page, which is a great resource for carpooling, gear and parties, and how to reach us by phone (206)812-7393 or email. snowsports@stevenspass.com

This newsletter (The Word) will also be sent out on a weekly basis and this website is an internal resource with a ton of important and valuable information regarding our programs, policies and procedures.


Checking the schedule

Please remember to check your schedule to make sure you do not miss an assignment, particularly assignments at the very beginning or end of the day. You may be scheduled anytime between the hours of 8:00am and 4:30pm on a standard day shift, and up to 6pm or 8pm if you gave us evening availability. Guidelines for checking the schedule can be found here and you can always let us know if you have questions.


New Instructors

If you are a new, inexperienced instructor you should have all received information about this weekend’s rookie training from Steve. If you have any questions, and to make sure you are fully prepared check out our Rookie section of the website or get in touch with us before Saturday


Multi-week Programs Starting

Our Multi-week programs begin next weekend (January 9-10) and many of you will be scheduled to teach those. Check your schedule as there is some mandatory and paid training for these programs running this weekend.

For new instructors scheduled on Multi-weeks there is an on-snow training from 8:30am – 9:30am to go over progressions and the differences between coaching vs instructing

For all instructors scheduled on Multi-weeks there is a meeting from 3:30pm – 4:30pm to discuss the logistics of the program and make sure you have all your questions answered.

If you are here on both Saturday and Sunday you have two opportunities and only need to attend the training sessions on one of the days.


Training Clinics

As we move out of the holidays we will also start to host other training sessions in the mornings and afternoons on a range of topics from skier/rider improvement to certification training. You can check out these clinics and sign-up through RTP. More info here. Please make sure that you check with your supervisor first if you would like to attend a clinic and are scheduled for a lesson or support work.


Most Privates in a Day?

Tre Nabstedt broke some kind of record Wednesday, going back to back to back to back to back with 5 lessons. Way to work your privates Tre! I’d say give him a pat on the back, but he might be a little sore.

Tre Privates

16 Dec

The Word – 12/16/2015

Its coming…

Storm after storm! It’s nice to talk about snow in feet for once with over a foot expected through Friday morning. The holidays are going to be on us with a bang this weekend so let’s make sure we are all ready!

This can be a very crazy time and everyone is required to do their part. Please be sure to voice any questions you have over the next couple of days and use this website as a resource so you can be setup and up to speed. Make sure your equipment is ready, finish any outstanding action items you have with HR and of course double check your schedule!


Eastside Transit Thursday Dec 17th

Unfortunately all eastside transit is cancelled for tomorrow due to there not being drivers for the vans. The schedue should return to normal Friday. I’m sorry to deliver this news last minute as I know many of rely on the transit.

I (Ben) will be leaving Leavenworth at 6.45am and have two spots in my car. Although I will likely not be leaving the mountain until after 5pm. Please let me know if I can help by giving anyone a ride. Text 530-314-1419 before 6:30am


The Schedule – Instructors

The Instructor schedule is in through next Friday Dec 25th. Please check it and make sure there are no issues. Those working Full Time through the Christmas period are scheduled for 6 days this coming week.

Please note that once the schedule is in, your location for a given day might still change (e.g. you were scheduled in Youth but get moved to Adults). It is good to check your schedule when you get to work to make sure you go to the correct line-up

if you are available additional days, half days or evenings and would like to help us out during this period we would greatly appreciate it. If you would like to add days over Christmas in exchange for days later in the winter please let us know also.

If you are a Part Timer looking to switch to Full Time we may now have some openings

If you do not have a pass number and so cannot check your schedule, please email us snowsports@stevenspass.com and we can confirm it for you. Or come up on your next available day. Passes will be issued soon to those that are still waiting.


The Schedule – Staff

If you are a cashier, attendant or carpet operator and have not been contacted regarding your schedule please get in touch with us ASAP.



For those who haven’t yet attended orientation you will be scheduled to attend tomorrow unless you have told us you are not available. Please note:

  • Company orientation is from 9-11am in the Summit Room. The Summit Room is at the end of the Deli, above the Rental Shop. If you are not sure of the location, arrive early and head to our locker room. Someone can show you.
  • Ski and SB School orientation will be from 12-1pm in the same location
  • During the break and after 1pm you will have a chance to finish up your hiring tasks with HR
  • Remember to bring a passport or two forms of ID with you. ID must be a drivers license/state ID plus either a birth certificate or SS card.
  • Bring a pen, and also be dressed and prepared to be walking around outside.



You can collect a Uniform from the Company Store (next to HR) when you are next up here. Please plan time to do this if your next day up is a day you are scheduled to work. Note that many folks are rolling in at this time of year so there may be a line. Give yourself a solid 30-45mins at least!



As we move into peak season parking becomes a hot topic at Stevens Pass. Experienced folks will tell you that parking after 8.30/9am can become very challenging on the busiest days.

Remember that employees are required to park in lot D. Transit is offered for free every day during the holiday period. More details about parking, the transit schedule, the company store etc. can be found here

Employee Parking

There is also a strict overnight parking policy. As of tomorrow (Thursday 17th) cars may not be parked overnight in any parking lot other than the Yodelin Parking lot. Employees staying at the bunkhouse will be required to shuttle their car down to the Yodelin parking lot before bunking down for the night. Parking does run shuttles to and from that lot during operations. This policy will remain in effect through January 3rd.


The Bunkhouse

The recent rain caused some water damage in the bunkhouse so we are working to redo the flooring. While renovations are taking place we will not be charging to stay in the bunkhouse.


Rookie Training

Those new instructors that have not done Rookie Training will be scheduled for this coming weekend unless you have informed us otherwise. The details of the weekend will have been emailed to you, or you can find them here. Please note that there are some tasks to complete before coming up on Saturday morning.


Back in the Saddle Clinics

it has been a challenge to get all the experienced folks through back in the saddle clinics. We are already discussing an alternative method to deliver this information for future seasons given that once we open, we need you guys teaching!

We will be offering opportunities to complete this required training either in the afternoons (3:30pm) or in the mornings (8:30am). There are afternoon opportunities on the schedule for this coming weekend. We may soon begin adding these clinics to the schedules of folks who still need to attend so please sign up if you haven’t done one and get it out of the way before things get really hectic!



03 Dec

The Word – 12/3/2015

We are opening tomorrow!

First day of the season will officially be Friday December 4th, with Daisy, our smallest magic carpet and a rail session on the rope tow.

More snow is in the forecast for the weekend and into next week and the mountain is looking to open up more terrain as soon as possible.

A full list of all the services offered tomorrow can be found here

We will be offering:

    • Adult Programs (Group Lessons ages 13+) as normal
    • Private Lessons at 50% OFF

Parking and Transit Info

TRANSIT: Employee transit runs daily. A $2 ticket is required to ride each way. These can be purchased at HR and you must have a ticket to ride. Transit up to the mountain will be free on Saturday 5th and will not require a ticket, but will be $2 to go down. The transit schedule can be found on the Stevens Pass employee website here.

PARKING: Every day we are open Employee Parking is in Lot D (NE of the Parking/Transit building). Employees will park at a 45 degree angle on the highway side of the lot. Please note that any improperly parked vehicles are susceptible to being towed.

Employee Parking

So what does this mean? Am I working?

We have updated instructor schedules through Sunday 6th. As of this time we are unsure of what next week (starting Monday) will bring, so we will confirm the schedule for the rest of the week over the weekend.

Instructors – Please login using your pass number (How to Login) to check your schedule for this weekend to learn what you are doing. If we sent you a pass number and you have trouble logging, or if you login and do not see a schedule please let us know! snowsports@stevenspass.com or (206)812-7393

If you are recently hired and haven’t been given a pass number yet don’t worry. Your next step is Orientation this weekend unless you have talk to us about something different.

Please note, we did our best to cover everyone and give as much information as we could. If anything is not clear please email or call us. Thanks.

If you are scheduled to teach

We will have contacted you today via phone. You will be assigned to either Adult Programs or Private Lessons. HR will be open from 7.30am, please stop by there and pick-up your uniform first. We have your season pass over in the locker room.

If you have not completed all the hiring tasks below please complete those ASAP, or come in early enough to be able to finish them here.

If you haven’t done orientation yet don’t worry, you can do that on December 17th.

Remember that as we are open the full parking and transit policies come into affect.

If you haven't been to Orientation

Everyone is required to attend a Company Orientation (2 hours) and a Ski and SB School Orientation (1 hour). There are set dates when these occur. Unless you told us you are unavailable, we have scheduled you for Orientation between 11am – 3pm this Saturday December 5th.


Where is it?

We will be meeting in the Adult Lesson Meeting Area outside the Rental Shop from 10:45-11am to get started at 11am sharp. If you are not sure where that is, look for the big red Ski and SB School flags in the Base Area.

What should I wear/bring?

A large portion of the Orientation will be outside moving around the base area. You do not need ski or snowboard equipment but should wear outdoor clothing.

We are doing paperwork online this year. This means EVERYONE including RETURNERS must bring their Passport or Driver’s License/ID and Social or Driver’s License/ID and Birth Cert. to present to HR. Please don’t forget as if you do you will need to make a special trip back up to the mountain within 3 business days.

Also bring a pen, and blank check – to setup direct deposit for your paycheck

What should Ido before I come up?

You can do two things to make the day go smoother for you.

Where should I park and is there transit available?

Now that we are open our employee parking policies go into affect and there will be employee transit available. See above.

Should I bring up my ski/snowboard gear?

You will be able to get a locker and store your gear in our locker room. Orientation will take up most of the day so if you want to ride, do so before hand. The Daisy lift will open at 9am. Remember that we meet at 10:45am for an 11am start.


If you've been to Orientation and are ready for Rookie Training

This is your next step. Rookie Training is 2 days.

There are 2 opportunities to complete training:

  • This weekend – December 5th-6th
  • December 12th-13th

Our preference is for you to complete training as early as possible and attend two consecutive days. If you RSVP’d to our previous email for one of these trainings you will be scheduled for that training. If you did not RSVP we have scheduled you for the 5th and 6th.

Details about the Rookie Training weekend and the tasks you should complete before coming up can be found here

If you have not completed all the hiring tasks below please complete those ASAP, or come in early enough to be able to finish them here.

Remember that as we are open the full parking and transit policies come into affect.


If you have completed Orientation and Rookie Training

Your next step is to start shadowing lessons. We hope to have shadow opportunities this Saturday and Sunday and will schedule you for those based on your original availability. If you are available to shadow this weekend and do not see a shadow activity on your schedule, get in touch with us and let us know.

If you have not completed all the hiring tasks below please complete those ASAP, or come in early enough to be able to finish them here.

Remember that as we are open the full parking and transit policies come into affect.

If you are a Returning Instructor or a New Experienced Instructor

Have you been to Orientation? If not check the Orientation details above. If so, read on…

We will have Back in the Saddle Clinics scheduled for this weekend on Saturday and Sunday. If you gave us availability for these days upon hire we have already scheduled you to work on one of those days. We will finalize the time of your Back in the Saddle Clinic tomorrow (Friday) and enter it onto your schedule. It will be at either 10am or 1pm for 2 hours.

If you are not scheduled, but are available this weekend you are welcome to come up and participate, but please just send us an email to snowsports@stevenspass.com to let us know you are coming if that is the case.

If you gave us availability, but now cannot make it please let us know.

The Back in the Saddle Clinics are mandatory, paid training for returning instructors and new, experienced instructors.

If you are a Front/Desk Admin, Carpet Operator or Attendant

Front Desk/Admin folks will have been contacted by Jenn regarding training and orientation for this weekend December 5th and 6th. If you did not receive information from her, are RSVPing or have questions please let us know by emailing snowsports@stevenspass.com. Check the list of Hiring Tasks below to ensure that you have completed everything.

For Attendants, if you haven’t been to Orientation you need to attend this Saturday. (See above for details). If you have been to Orientation and completed all the Hiring Tasks below then sit tight, we will be in touch soon with details of your next step. If you have done all the tasks and want to ride in the meantime, your Season Pass is available for pickup in the school locker room.

For Carpet Operators, if you haven’t been to Orientation you need to attend this Saturday. (See above for details). If you have been to Orientation and completed all the Hiring Tasks below then sit tight, we will be in touch soon with details of your work schedule as more magic carpets get open. If you have done all the tasks and want to ride in the meantime, your Season Pass is available for pickup in the school locker room.

Hiring Tasks

If you haven’t done all of these things please complete them as soon as possible so you can work and have your pass activated:

Completed a Background Check

All school employees must complete a Background Check. This will be emailed to you by a 3rd party called TalentWise. Look for the email in your junk/spam filter as it sometimes gets sent there. If you accepted a job more than 1 or 2 weeks ago and cannot find the email please contact HR. hr@stevenspass.com

Completed HR Paperwork

You will have received notifications to complete this paperwork via emails from HR. It requires you to login to our application system (iCIMS) and complete the tasks there. If you haven’t seen the emails, check your junk mail for emails from DoNotReply@stevenspass.com or applications@stevenspass.com email addresses and follow the instructions. You can also login here to complete the paperwork also.

Presented IDs or a Passport to HR in person

This is very important and must be done in person. You cannot provide digital copies. HR requires either 2 forms of government issued ID, or a Passport. Acceptable IDs include:

  • Driving License (or school ID if you are a minor)
  • Plus either Birth Certificate or Social Security Card

You MUST present these to HR within 3 working days of your first day of work otherwise you will not be able to continue working.

If you have not yet attended orientation: You can bring these up before or on your orientation day as your first day of work

If you attended orientation or training and did not present IDs to HR: You MUST do this ASAP.

Completed the Policies and Procedures Quiz

You can do this at any time. Please read through all the Policies and Procedures pages under the Resources tab above, starting here and complete the quiz at the end. This just helps us to ensure that you have read through some key information, have a basic understanding of how things work and know where to locate information about important policies and procedures.

Job sharing Opportunities

Over the next couple of weeks we will be letting you know about any potential job sharing opportunities on mountain if you would like to supplement your work in Ski and SB School with extra hours.

East-side Van Drivers

  • WHAT – Drivers for the employee van transit on the east-side of the mountain
  • WHEN – Mid-week mornings and afternoon/evenings for about 3 hours a day
  • PAY – $13.00/hour
  • REQUIREMENTS – 3-year MVR (obtained from the DMV, non commerical is OK)

If you are interested or have further questions please email humanresources@stevenspass.com

Auditing Department 

  • WHAT – Counting money, building and verifying cashier banks
  • WHEN – Saturday, Sunday and Monday mornings from 7:30am – 9:30am
  • PAY – $12.00/hour
  • REQUIREMENTS – Previous cash handling experience helps. They are looking for 2 people and would prefer to have the same folks each day if possible

If you are interested please email snowsports@stevenspass.com and let us know! Priority will go to full timers.

25 Nov

The Word – 11/25/2015

Mountain Update

We are close! The highway is back open and It’s been really cold up here! Our snow gun has been cranking out snow in the Base Area, but we are still short of what we need to open. There is a promising forecast developing for Tuesday/Wednesday which we are watching with interest, but right now the school is planning to be closed through Friday 4th December. If the mountain does open prior to then, we may run a small operation and will contact folks individually if there is work on offer.

Having said that the mountain is hosting a Rail Session this Friday -Sunday right after Thanksgiving. We’ll have an array of features setup on the Rope Tow for anyone wanting to stop by and shred! More info can be found on the Stevens Pass website

Please bear in mind this is just an event. There will be food but no rentals or lessons offered. We will be closed again Monday, pending more snow, with no set opening date as of yet. Our locker room will be open Friday and Sunday only, for employees who would like access to it to retrieve gear or belongings.

Between now and December the 4th we will have a very slim staff working reduced hours. If you need anything please email us at snowsports@stevenspass.com. We will not be consistently available over the phone, and if you have emailed one of us individually and not gotten a response please resend your email to snowsports, as it could be that the person you emailed is not in the office.

What follows is a ton of important information. Please determine what applies to you, make sure you are up to speed and let us know via email if you have any questions.

Thanks and have a great Thanksgiving!



Next Steps

Depending on who you are the next steps are different…

I'm a New, Rookie Instructor

If you attended training last weekend – sit tight, we’ll be open soon! Check the next section to make sure all your tasks are completed…

If you haven’t been to training yet:

Due to the road closure many of you were unable to make it last weekend. Because of this we have added in an additional training weekend. You can now attend on either December 5th and 6th or December 12th and 13th.

We also know that many of you committed to one day per weekend. For this training it is far more beneficial if you are able to attend both days on one of the weekends and we would prefer you attend the earlier training if available. This way you can complete the training with the same group and trainer and get that consistency.

The key details of each weekend are as follows:

  • Each day will be from 9:30am – 3:30pm, paid at your non-teach rate
  • Training will be a mix of on and off-snow so ski/SB equipment and clothing is required
  • Training will go ahead regardless of the mountain’s open/closed status
  • Dual instructors should bring ski equipment and plan to be doing ski training
  • You should read through the policies and procedures pages under the Resources tab above, starting here and complete the quiz at the end prior to attending
  • More specifics will follow next week

Now check the next section to make sure all your tasks are completed…

I'm a Returning Instructor

You know the drill! Hang tight and we’ll be open soon! You will now have your season pass number so you can login and confirm your schedule. If you still have outstanding tasks required before you are ready and your pass can be activated keep reading the sections below. These tasks include:

  • Your background check
  • Your HR paperwork that was emailed to you
  • Turning in your IDs to HR (everyone must do this now)
  • Reading through the policies and procedures pages under the Resources tab above, starting here and completing the quiz at the end

I'm a New, Experienced Instructor

Hang tight and we’ll be open soon! Your training will come once we can slide out on the mountain and we’ll email you once that happens. You will now have your season pass number so you can login and confirm your season schedule. If you still have outstanding tasks required before you are ready and can pick-up your pass keep reading the sections below. These tasks include:

  • Your background check
  • Your HR paperwork that was emailed to you
  • Turning in your IDs to HR (everyone must do this now)
  • Reading through the policies and procedures pages under the Resources tab above, starting here and completing the quiz at the end

I'm a Front Desk/Admin, Attendant or Carpet Operator

Front Desk/Admin folks will have been contacted by Jenn regarding training and orientation on the weekend of December 5th and 6th. If you did not receive information from her, are RSVPing or have questions please let us know by emailing snowsports@stevenspass.com

For Attendants and Carpet Operators, your training will come once the mountain is open.

Now check the next section to make sure all your tasks are completed…

Hiring Tasks

If you haven’t done all of these things please complete them as soon as possible so you can work and have your pass activated:

Completed Company and Department Orientation

Everyone is required to attend a Company Orientation (2 hours) and a Ski and SB School Orientation (1 hour). There are set dates when these occur. The next and one of the final opportunities is Saturday December 5th, from 11am – 3pm.

You will be receiving an individual email with more details, if, according to our records, you still need to attend these Orientations.

Completed a Background Check

All school employees must complete a Background Check. This will be emailed to you by a 3rd party called TalentWise. Look for the email in your junk/spam filter as it sometimes gets sent there. If you accepted a job more than 1 or 2 weeks ago and cannot find the email please contact HR. hr@stevenspass.com

Completed HR Paperwork


You will have received notifications to complete this paperwork via emails from HR. It requires you to login to our application system (iCIMS) and complete the tasks there.

Presented IDs or a Passport to HR in person

This is very important and must be done in person. You cannot provide digital copies. HR requires either 2 forms of government issued ID, or a Passport. Acceptable IDs include:

  • Driving License (or school ID if you are a minor)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Security Card

You MUST present these to HR within 3 working days of your first day of work otherwise you will not be able to continue working.

If you have not yet attended orientation or training: You can bring these up before or on your orientation/training day as your first day of work

If you attended orientation or training and did not present IDs to HR: You MUST do this ASAP. The HR department will be staffed

  • Friday 27th – Sunday 29th, from 9am – noon
  • Monday 30th – Wednesday 2nd, from 7:30am – 4pm

Please be sure to come by one of those days to get this taken care of.

Completed the Policies and Procedures Quiz

You can do this at any time. Please read through all the Policies and Procedures pages under the Resources tab above, starting here and complete the quiz at the end. This just helps us to ensure that you have read through some key information, have a basic understanding of how things work and know where to locate information about important policies and procedures.

Job sharing Opportunities

Over the next couple of weeks we will be letting you know about any potential job sharing opportunities on mountain if you would like to supplement your work in Ski and SB School with extra hours.

Auditing Department 

  • WHAT – Counting money, building and verifying cashier banks
  • WHEN – Saturday, Sunday and Monday mornings from 7:30am – 9:30am
  • PAY – $12.00/hour
  • REQUIREMENTS – Previous cash handling experience helps. They are looking for 2 people and would prefer to have the same folks each day if possible

If you are interested please email snowsports@stevenspass.com and let us know! Priority will go to full timers.


Awesome Mountain Hardwear Discount

Need black pants? Any accessories or gear? Thanks to David O’Donnell, we have an exclusive MHW discount in the Pine Street store in Seattle for employees through 12/22/15! This barcode works for everything in store and on top of any sale items.

You can print the barcode, or just show it on your smart phone along with your employee ID or copy of our job offer email at the store to receive a discount.

MHW discount

MHW barcode



19 Nov

The Word – 11/19/2015

Hello everyone!

There is some very important information in this week’s Word for new employees so please read through it all!

Mountain Status

What a storm! We received a lot of snow but unfortunately a lot for rain. Our base is currently white and the ground is freezing which is great, but we don’t have enough to open prior to Thanksgiving. We will make an assessment about next weekend over the coming days. Historically our average opening date is November 28th, so we are still on course! and the recent storms over last weekend are a good sign. Keep the dances going!

Highway 2 Closure

As you may know the highway is closed as there is extensive erosion to foundations of one of the bridges. As of right now we don’t have a timeline for when it will be open again. The eastside of the highway is open as usual. More news when we have it, the DOT is working hard to get a plan in place!

New Instructor Training

The closure does make accessing the mountain difficult for those living on the westside of the mountain. We know many folks are still gung-ho about getting started, (we are too!) and many will be unaffected so we are going to go ahead with training this weekend, but please note the following:

  • If your access is affected by the closure you are not required to attend and can instead sign-up for the December 12-13th training. We will let you know if we add in any additional dates between now and then.
  • We will have our bunkhouse available for anyone wishing to stay at the summit on Friday and/or Saturday night – see details below
  • To accommodate travel schedules for those who do decide to attend, the training schedule will run from:
    • 10:30am – 4:30pm Saturday
    • 9:30am – 3:30pm Sunday
  • Please use our Facebook Page as a way to make carpool arrangements or to seek out alternative sleeping arrangements should you wish. Maybe some folks have a couch available?
  • Please RSVP that you will be attending. RSVP no later than 1PM Friday (tomorrow) so that we have an idea of numbers. If your attendance hinges on staying in our bunkhouse, please confirm your spot before RSVPing. – see below
  • RSVP by emailing Steve at steve.frink@stevenspass.com
  • All other details remain unchanged so please review the email you received from Steve.

The Bunkhouse this weekend

Our Bunkhouse will be available for folks involved in training this weekend on Friday and Saturday night. Usually there is a $9/night fee, but we are not charging for this weekend due to the highway closure.

Accommodation is a hostel-style bunk room. There is a full kitchen (fridge, range, microwave) and bathroom with shower. We are still doing some things to get the bunkhouse ready for the winter and it’s currently heated by temporary heaters, so bring a sleeping bag and some warm layers.

If you have any questions or to confirm a spot for the one or two nights contact our bunkhouse monitor Ben Christy

Spots will be issued on a first come first served basis. If your training attendance hinges on getting a spot please confirm your spot first before RSVPing to the training.

A call to east-siders and locals – House a rookie!?

With the highway closed, if anyone on the eastside has a couch or spare bed that they would happily offer one of our new instructors hoping to make it to training this weekend please post on the Facebook Page. Thank you very much!

12 Nov

The Word – 11/12/2015

Hello everyone, its been snowing all day up here and we have easily 6+ inches at the base and much more up top! The mountain is looking for any excuse to get a lift spinning so keep connect to our facebook page and the website for more info. We are expecting heavy rain through the weekend though that will put a damper on proceedings but you never know. Winter is definitely here and the storms are stacking up so keep praying!!

By the way, we know that when viewing this website on a mobile device there are some issues with the menus. We are looking into it! For now, please use a laptop or computer for the best experience!


YourAi??Next Step

Thank you to everyone who attended orientation last weekend. We hope it was at least a 1% improvement! ;). The next step for everyone will be to read and run through our Policies and Procedures and information about working in the various areas of the school. All this information is posted online now. Go to the ‘Resources’ menu at the top of this page and click on ‘Policies and Procedures’ to work through the information.

On the last page there is a  short quiz to gauge your knowledge on various key pieces of info. It’s not a test, and the answers are displayed as you work through it. The idea is just that by completing and submitting the quiz you are stating that you read through the information and have a basic understanding of it. The quiz is for instructors, but other staff are welcome to complete it as well!

New instructors should complete the quiz and read through the information a couple of times prior to their new instructor training. You will have received more information on this separately.

Returning instructors should read the info and complete the quiz prior to coming back up for Back in the Saddle Training or working.

All instructors will need to complete this task before having their pass activated, or receiving their season pass.


HR Paperwork

If you have outstanding onboarding tasks to finish with HR please check your email for those and get them done asap. We apologize for any confusion regarding IDs and who needed to bring them. Moving forward HR will require IDs from all employees each year in order to remain compliant on their end.


Next Orientation Opportunity

The next opportunity to do orientation will be Saturday December 5th from 11am-3pm. If you did not attend Saturday you will automatically be added to the list for the 5th. Please let us know if you cannot make this date as soon as possible, as there will not be many other opportunities to attend and we will need to work out a time for you.


Name Tags

HR would like to start getting everyone’s hometown displayed on their name tag. This will take some time, but we can at least start with the name tags for new folks and those that need new name tags. Please just shoot us a quick email with your name and hometown and we will start building that database up! The earlier we get this info the more folks we can outfit prior to the season. If you can provide this by Monday 16th November that would be a huge help.



Business Cards

For anyone who didn’t let us know they would like some business cards, or for anyone who wishes to order some who was not here on Saturday…

The cost is about $20 for 250, deducted from your paycheck. Just send us a quick email to snowsports@stevenspass.com before Monday 16th November letting us know you would like some so we can get you on this pre-season order. The following will appear on your business cards:

  1. Your Name
  2. Your title
  3. Your certifications
  4. Your Cell phone #
  5. Your personal email.
  6. Stevens Pass logo and information

We don’t need you to fill out this information. We’ll use the information given to us in your application and on the PSIA/AASI roster.

Refer a Friend

As you heard in orientation, we are initiating a Refer-a-Friend program to help us reach our hiring targets. A huge number of our new employees come from referrals each year, so if you know someone who would be a good fit and they end up getting hired and working for 10 days this season you will receive $50!

All they need to do is reference you in their application to let HR know you referred them and you will receive the $50 in the form of a Snodough gift card once they work the 10 days.

06 Nov

The Word – 11/6/2015

Hello everyone. Winter is here and the mountain looks white and ready! Our first orientation is tomorrow so this week’s Word is all about the important information you need for that.

NEW! – Job Offers and Employee Paperwork

If you have received and sent back a Job Offer you will be receiving an email from HR today (before the end of the day) with a link to complete your employee paperwork. Last week we had expected these to have already gone out, and some of you may have received something but some will be getting theirs today.

Remember this replaces almost all the physical paperwork we had to do in years past. If you don’t get to it before hand you can complete the paperwork here tomorrow, but it will save you some waiting time and make for a smoother day for you if you have a chance to complete it before coming up. It should only take 10-15mins.

If you haven’t received a Job Offer yet but have finalized your schedule and are waiting on us please let us know. If you are sitting on one please get it back to us asap! If we are still working out a schedule with you no problem, there will be other orientations you can attend.

NEW! – The Next Orientation

If you cannot make it tomorrow the next orientation will be on Saturday December 5th from 11am – 3pm.

Background Check

Please remember also that many of you have not yet completed your background check. This is not required to attend tomorrow, but please complete this asap so we can get you fully hired and you are ready to teach. The background check comes through from a company called TalentWise and may have been filtered into your junk mail.

Timeline for Orientation

So here is what your day will look like tomorrow and a reminder about what to bring!

Before coming up…

It’s been snowing up here and the temps have dropped! The base area is mostly muddly but remember that a large portion of the orientation will be outside so wear winter clothes and shoes!

You will also need to bring some ID for HR and to complete paperwork. Plan to bring either:

  • License + Social
  • License + Birth Certificate
  • Just your passport (nothing else needed with this)


Minors can bring School ID in place of a license and must also bring up everything else on the checklist in the packet we sent you.

11am: Locker Room (optional)

We will have the locker room open from 11am onwards. Please do not arrive before 11am as we have some interviews going on and would like to keep the locker room clear for those folks

You will be able to get lockers and sign-up for ordering business cards as well as say hi, store gear and eat cake!

12pm – 2pm: Company Orientation (paid)

Upstairs in the Granite Peaks Lodge. The format will be different than in years past, hopefully a little more engaging and interactive!

2pm – 3pm: Break

This is a chance to complete paperwork and submit copies of your IDs to HR. It’s also another chance to swing by the locker room, unload your gear and get cake!

3pm – 4pm: Ski and Snowboard School Meeting (paid)

Upstairs again in the Granite Peaks Lodge. We will go over some of the basics of working within the school and talk about what’s new and what your next steps are.

Passes and Uniforms

Unlike in year’s past we will not be administering uniforms at orientation this year. We will get these to you as you start coming onto the work schedule.

Passes will also be given out at a later date. We’ll have some more info on this tomorrow.

See you tomorrow!

Oh, and in case you’ve been out of the weather loop, this was taken 2 days ago…


29 Oct

The Word – 10/29/2015

Hello everyone. Things are definitely started to feel a little more like winter up here with potentially 2-4″ of snow set to fall by the time this cycle has passed through Monday.


A few more details about Orientation and some answers to likely FAQs…

    • When is it? November 7th from 12pm – 4pm
    • What if I can’t make that date? No problem. We will have other opportunities. They have not been scheduled just yet but will not be earlier than November 21st. We will let you know!
    • What do I need to do before hand? You must have returned your job offer and completed your background check. HR will also be sending you a link to complete your paperwork online (they mostly have not got to this just yet) and you will need to do this prior to the 7th.
    • What if I didn’t get a job offer yet? If you are still waiting on us to get back to you regarding your application or schedule we will be going through our list again and reaching out to you tomorrow (Friday 30th). If you do not hear from us by end of day Friday please contact us.
    • Anything else I need to do? Yes, we will be sending out some information at the beginning of next week that you can read over ahead of time so all the content on the 7th is not so overwhelming!
    • What should I bring? A pen! And be prepared to be outdoors. Returners will notice the format of the company orientation has changed from 1 to 2 hours. We are making it much more interactive than in years past so check the weather and plan for being outside for a portion of the afternoon.
    • What about I.Ds? Great question. Even though paperwork is mostly moving online you will still need to bring 2 forms of I.D (Drivers license, Passport, Social Security) We will put another reminder in next week’s Word.
    • Can I get into the Locker Room? Of course! We will have the locker room open from 11am onwards and there will be a break between 2-3pm also. You can get yourself a locker and you may also bring up equipment to store. Please bear in mind that as we are not open there are days when the locker room is locked, but not manned. Please also only bring one pair of skis or a snowboard to store so there is space for all.
    • Uniforms? Passes? We are not yet ready to administer uniforms this year. Passes will also be at HR’s discretion but will likely not be available yet either. If either of those things change we will let you know.

If we forgot something and you have questions please let us know. We are looking forward to seeing you all! oh, and if you haven’t been in touch yet this year get on it! Winter is right around the corner.

Ski Dazzle!

It’s that time of year again! The Ski Dazzle Show is at the CenturyLink Event Center Nov 6, 7, and 8 – strategically during the Hawks bye week. We will be staffing the ‘Learn-to-Ski-Hill’ all day Sunday 8th from 10am to 6pm and are in need of some folks to come work for all or part of the day.

You won’t need equipment, it’s all indoors on essentially a carpet hill, just bring bags of energy and some deodorant! It will be paid, (@ teach rate) will include meals and reimbursement for bus fees or parking and you get free admission to the show with time to browse.

If you are interested please let us know what times you could work and we will figure out a schedule. Here’s the show website if you want to check it out. Thanks!

Training Team

In order to get more feedback and training for you, the coaches out there making the magic happen, we have created a more formal Training Team than we have had in the past. This group will run clinics, provide instructor feedback, and help plan/create/maintain the Terrain Based Teaching features. Formalizing the Training Team will help us deliver more consistent feedback and support to coaches and help coaches deliver a better product to our guests

Assuming everyone accepts the position the 2016 Training Team will be


Skiers: Russ Peterson, Tim Merriam, Heather Roberts, Karl Johnstone, Rusty West, Kim K-B, Jessica Trygstad, DJ Bridenbaugh, and please welcome Ken Will who has been teaching at Stevens Pass for 32 years for Christian and Lyon’s Ski School. Ken has been accredited to give the level 1 exam and has taught in Austria and Switzerland and yes he is a level 1 snowboarder too.


Snowboarders: Josh Holton, Wendell Kruse, Ken Bailey, Brandy Murphy, Lauren Barnes, and Ryan Davidson who we are welcoming back after a season in Alaska and a year on the pro patrol.

Special Forces

Along with the frontline infantry trainers mentioned above we will have some Special Forces trainers that will come in for occasional clinics. Nils Riise long time Stevens Pass Ski School instructor and former PSIA-NW Tech Team member and Sean Bold PSIA-NW Examiner on the ski side. Snowboarders will be Brooke Bolin AASI-NW Examiner and Hillary Mosich former AASI-NW DCL.

24 Oct

The Word – 10/24/2015

Hello all! We haven’t posted in a while but The Word will begin going out weekly from now on. We also have some new employees to welcome to the team, so welcome to those folks! This is our weekly newsletter and the main way we communicate with our employees when they are not up at the mountain.

Facebook Page

Remember that you can request to be added to our Ski and Snowboard School Facebook Group. This is a great resource for carpooling, housing and general gossip!

Hiring Update

Currently we are down from where we ideally would like to be in our hiring targets, so we need your help! Here’s how you can help us:

  • Double check your junk/spam emails for your background check from Talentwise handful of these are still pending and we’d love to get you all set up for the winter
  • Please return job offers a.s.a.p so we can keep tabs on where we are at. Or let us know if you need time or assistance making a decision!
  • If you’re thinking of returning but haven’t started the process or are not sure if your schedule will work submit one anyway! We would love the chance to talk with you.
  • If you have friends or family that you think would be a great fit here in Ski and Snowboard School, please refer them to our website for more info and encourage them to submit an application!
  • If you can think of ways and places we can advertise our jobs please let us know. Also, feel free to download and post this flyer at your place of work or anywhere you think might help! Thank you!
2015-16 Recruiting Flyer (PDF)

Orientation Details

When: Saturday, November 7th from 12:00-4:00pm, in the Granite Peaks Lodge

  • Company orientation will run from 12:00-2:00pm with time afterwards to complete paperwork in Human Resources and take a break
  • Ski and Snowboard School orientation will run from 3:00-4:00pm
  • We will be in the locker room at 11:00am if you choose to come up early and reserve your locker
  • More specific details regarding uniforms, bringing gear up etc. will be sent out next week!

DON’T FORGET: You will need to bring PHOTO ID (drivers license or school id) + PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP (passport, original social security card, or original birth certificate). Most of your employee paperwork will be online this year, avoiding the long wait at HR. You will however need to complete this paperwork PRIOR TO ORIENTATION the paperwork is emailed to you upon completion of your background check.

Instructor Payscale Changes

We are increasing all our instructor pay rates this season! We’ve been working hard over the last couple of years to construct a pay scale and offer incentives that help our employees to earn a livable wage and promote personal growth. Below is the new scale, based on certification level with the range reflecting add-ons for being a dual, having extra accreditation etc. The full pay scale and breakdown can be found here.

We will be raising all instructors that have already been hired up to their new rate automatically but be sure to reach out if you want to know exactly how this affects you. snowsports@stevenspass.com or (206)812-7393

Certification Level Full Time Range Part Time Range
Uncertified (no experience) $12.00 – $13.00 $11.00 – $12.00
Uncertified (at least 1 year experience) $12.50 – $16.00 $11.50 – $16.00
Level 1 $14.00 – $16.00 $13.00 – $16.00
Level 2 $16.00 – $20.00 $15.50 – $20.00
Level 3 $19.00 – $24.00 $18.50 – $24.00

Professional Development Reimbursement Bonus

Another new thing for this year! Last year we began recording Development Credits for employees based on hours worked and hours of training. We are continuing that this year, (and remember that for instructors, more credits = an hourly bonus, as defined in the pay scale.) and we are pleased to announce that all employees who accumulate 250+ credits during the season will be eligible to claim reimbursement for up to $250 of Personal Professional Development Costs for the year.

  • This includes PSIA/AASI/USASA membership dues, educational materials and event/exam fees
  • The reimbursement will be paid out in one lump sum at the end of the season provided the employee remains in good standing
  • Pre-approval will be required prior before attending an exam/event in order for it to be applicable

More details here

Remember we will also be offering a Fall Instructor Academy for anyone wishing to get their Level 1 early season and also offering the Level 1 exam to returning/experienced instructors. Cost for these events will be eligible for reimbursement if you meet the required credits amount.


Training Team

In order to get more feedback and training for you, the coaches out there making the magic happen, we have created a more formal Training Team than we have had in the past. This group will run clinics, provide instructor feedback, and help plan/create/maintain the Terrain Based Teaching features. Formalizing the Training Team will help us deliver more consistent feedback and support to coaches and help coaches deliver a better product to our guests

Assuming everyone accepts the position the 2016 Training Team will be


Skiers: Russ Peterson, Tim Merriam, Heather Roberts, Karl Johnstone, Kim K-B, Jessica Trygstad, DJ Bridenbaugh, and please welcome Ken Will who has been teaching at Stevens Pass for 32 years for Christian and Lyons Ski School. Ken has been accredited to give the level 1 exam and has taught in Austria and Switzerland and yes he is a level 1 snowboarder too.


Snowboarders: Josh Holton, Wendell Kruse, Ken Bailey, Rusty West, Brandy Murphy, Lauren Barnes, and Ryan Davidson who we are welcoming back after a season in Alaska and a year on the pro patrol.

Special Forces

Along with the frontline infantry trainers mentioned above we will have some Special Forces trainers that will come in for occasional clinics. Nils Riise long time Stevens Pass Ski School instructor and former PSIA-NW Tech Team member and Sean Bold PSIA-NW Examiner on the ski side. Snowboarders will be Brooke Bolin AASI-NW Examiner and Hillary Mosich former AASI-NW DCL.


Need new gear for this winter?

Black pants? Accessories? New to the team this season is David O’Donnell who is a brand ambassador for Mountain Hardwear, he currently has a limited amount of online discount codes for up to 50% off online. Please contact him if you’re interested: davidmobile@live.com.au He is also working out details for an in store pro discount for our school staff in the Seattle location!


02 Oct

The Word – 10/2/2015

Welcome to the new format of The Word. We will be posting a lot more information to this website over the next couple of months so we want to get you used to using it!

Schedule Credits – Instructors

I’m sure many of you have checked out the new Instructor Schedule Submission and seen the new credits system we are using. We have tweaked the values a little this week to make it even easier to create a schedule that works for us and for you. So if you’ve held off submitting because you fell short of the requirement, check again! Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about this process or your availability through the season.

Re-Applying Process – All positions

As I write this we are one person away from Lauren’s hiring target for the week! Oh, and if we hit the target she has promised to bring cake to orientation… To reapply please go here and select your position (instructors should use “Returning Instructor”). You will need to create a new profile as we have moved off the old job system. Once you have selected a job ignore the “Log back in” link in the corner and instead click on the big black button.


Early Level 1 Exam

We will be offering an early level 1 exam for those who didn’t get to take it last season, or for those who want to reinstate their certs. The exams will be pre-Christmas and most likely in December, so stay tuned for more information.

Orientation dates next week

Orientation details will be coming next week. Dates are not finalized yet.

Lead and Trainer applications

Thanks to those folks who have applied to be leads or trainers. We just wanted to let you know that selecting those positions will not happen for a little while yet as we will have limited spots. Remember that while certification is important it is not the only criteria we will be basing our decisions on, so don’t feel that you have to be a level 3 to express interest.

PSIA-AASI Event calendar is up

PSIA-NW have posted their event calendar so you can plan your events and ed credits. Next up is Fall Seminar and there’s an early season CS1 right here at Stevens the weekend of Dec-12th.

Background checks and Job Offers

Just a heads up that a lot of you have job offers and/or background checks sitting in your inbox! Job offers will be from us, background check will be from a company called TalentWise – you might want to check you junk mail for that one


Protect Our Winters are offering a chance to win a signed snowboard and help climate recovery at the same time! Check out the link:

SB contest POW