Seasonal Programs



These are programs that repeat every season on a fixed schedule. There are a range of Seasonal Programs for different ages and levels. This page will focus on all of these programs.

The benefits of a Seasonal Program for the guests are:

  • The set schedule
  • They have the same coach each week
  • They ski/ride with the same team each week
  • This consistency of group and schedule means they are cheaper than a bunch of individual visits

Programs to know:

Checkout the following programs on our website for more information about their structure, pricing, parameters and how guests can sign up.

*These are Seasonal Programs where the students attend and sign-up from a particular school.

Being assigned a Seasonal Programs Group

The idea is that for the length of the program you ‘ll have the same group of students to move through the progressions with. This creates a wonderful team atmosphere, a sense of continuity for the students, and will lead to some of your proudest moments as a coach! Seasonal Programs are some of the most coveted coaching assignments for this reason. To be assigned a group you must be available to work all the days of the program and any potential make-up days, as we ‘ve not only promised parents their child ‘s coach will remain the same, but it is essential for the program to run effectively and efficiently.

A Day in the Life of a Seasonal Programs Coach:


As always, the first thing to do is to Check-in on the computer so that we know you are here and to double check the start time of your first activity.


In Seasonal Programs, you may be assigned to work between 8:00-9:00am for support tasks to help us get ready for the day. These include; setting-up fencing, greeting guests and snow removal. When you report for support be sure you are ready to teach as you likely won ‘t have a break between your support tasks and the start of your lesson. The Program Lead will be assigning tasks, and others will be around to help show you the ropes!

Hint: If you are someone who would like extra hours, doing support tasks is a great way to get those. Let Admin know if you would like to be scheduled for these.

Lesson Line-Up

These programs are run and organized by the Coordinator or Team Leads. Your start time is dependent on the program and will be indicated on your schedule. At your start time, you will report to Line-Up. Be on time, as the lead will have important information to give you before your class can start. The location of the line-up will vary based on the program and we will let you know where if you are assigned a class

Your lead will go through meeting topics ranging from safety topics, conversations on keeping lessons fun, and brainstorming ways to instill learning in all of our students.

Before your Lesson

On the first day of the program, we ‘ll have kids and coaches assigned to four different areas: Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each area will have a ?captain ? with a master class list. This captain will be responsible for forming the classes by leading a series of activities to determine the level of the kids, split them into groups and ensure that every child gets assigned to a coach. The goal of this day is to form teams that can stay together for the remainder of the program. Once your class is confirmed, fill out your class list neatly- it ‘ll be imperative for efficiency later on!

After the first day, you ‘ll receive your class list from your lead after line-up and find your class by your sign. The class list will include the children in your group, their ages, discipline, level, and any other important notes the supervisor may need you to know (allergies, medical conditions, etc). For these programs, it is important to turn in your class list at the end of each day with a summary of what you did on the back.

Hint: Always carry a pen or pencil in your pocket. This is an essential instructor tool!

Checking Out with your Class

Check-out begins promptly at the lesson start time. Your Lead will have the master class list and will mark down where you are planning on taking your class, as well as marking any students that are absent at that point. Your first lap of the day should always be a warm-up lap.

  • First-time may warm-up in the base area
  • Beginner on the small/medium carpet
  • Intermediate on the big carpet
  • Advanced on the rope tow

If you have students absent from your class, your lead will expect you to check back in no later than half an hour after the class started to see if your student(s) has arrived.

In the Class

Once you are teaching, be sure to have at least one progress report with you. This will give you a great idea of the tasks you are looking to accomplish while in the lesson. Pace yourself and your students! We ‘re not expecting everyone to master each level every single day! Get creative, have fun, and be sure to teach to the level of your students. Remember, you never want to teach the same lesson twice. Even though we ‘re giving you the skills we want you to teach, we ‘re not giving you only one way to teach them!

If you are in a full-day Program, you ‘ll be enjoying a (paid!) lunch break with your students in the Tye Creek Lodge. You will be given a particular start and end time for lunch. Good time management here is crucial as the lunch room is not big enough to fit all the classes at once. You may bring a lunch or have the catered lunch option with your students.

Ending the Lesson

For seasonal programs, you ‘ll plan on ending the class each week with a wrap-up in the lesson meeting spot. You ‘ll always release children to their parent/guardian or chaperone unless told otherwise. We ‘ll have a progress report for you to fill out at the end of the entire program.

After Lessons

After lessons you may be assigned to one of four places: tear-down, private lessons, group lessons, or to attend a mandatory training clinic. Check with the Program Lead when you say goodbye to your last student for your next assignment.

Class Lists

After the first week your class list of students will stay relatively the same. It is important that you keep it up-to-date so you and your supervisors know which students you have at all times. These get turned in at the end of each class. Keep notes on the back of your class list so you can remember what you did each day!

Check-out/Sup. Sheet

Remember that once you are done for the day you will need to sign the Sup. Sheet for the Program or Lead you worked for during the day. This is how we enter your pay so make sure that it is correct!