16 Mar

The Word – 3/16/2016

Hi everyone! Spring is here but it sure feels like the middle of winter again with all this awesome new snow. Thank you guys for all your hard work and we hope you are sneaking some pow turns in too! Happy (early) St. Pattys Day– hope to see your green tomorrow!


To Alicia and David on your engagement!! Your Ski + SB school family is so excited to hear this news and so happy for you both 🙂

Last Nights Of Night Skiing

This Friday and Saturday, March 18-19th are the last nights for night operations, open until 10pm– take advantage of this and have a fun evening! We are also open until 6pm on Sunday 20th.

Party Plans!

It’s hard to believe, but next Saturday, March 26th will be our end of season party!! We’ll do BBQ after lessons are finished for the day and Ski + SB School awards. You can print the award list and fill one out, email your nominations to snowsports@stevenspass.com (see awards below) or just think on your nominations and fill out a ballot form from the locker room. Entries need to be submitted by 4:00pm Sunday, March 20th.

Here are the Ski & Snowboard School Categories

Ski & Snowboard School Spring Awards Ballot

Fill out ballot and submit via email or in voting box by 4:00 on Sunday, March 20th


Ski Instructor of the Year: ______________________________________________________________

Snowboard Instructor of the Year: _______________________________________________________

Dual Instructor of the Year: ____________________________________________________________

Rookie of the Year: __________________________________________________________________

Attendant (Indoor or Outdoor) of the Year: _________________________________________________

Show Me the Money (Cashier of the Year): ________________________________________________

Fountain of Knowledge (Trainer of the Year): _______________________________________________

Kitten Herder (best with little kids): _______________________________________________________

King/Queen of the Carpet: _____________________________________________________________

Mr./Mrs. Fix-it (always saves the day): _____________________________________________________

Lipstick Award (always makes the work look good to outsiders): _________________________________

Funny Bunny (for always having a good time teaching): ______________________________________

Sunshine (most positive) Award: _________________________________________________________

Beginner Winner (most level 1 & 2 lessons): ________________________________________________

Indispensible Award (person we couldn’t function without): _____________________________________

Make up your own! Title: ______________________________ Nominee: _________________________

Return Student Bonus + Development Credits

Instructor return student bonus for the month of Feburary will be included on this week’s paycheck, Friday March 18th. This pay will be included in your incentive pay category. Updated development credit lists are posted in the locker room also.

Training Report

Every certified member of the NW Division is required to attend at least one educational event each season.Stevens Pass is bringing in PSIA-NW divisional staff members for day clinics in April. Snowboarders are Saturday April 9th and Skiers are Saturday April 2nd and Sunday April 17th. Be sure to request the day off and sign up in RTP right away, space in these clinics is limited.

Level 1 Skiers: Your exam begins at 8:00am Saturday. Plan to meet in the locker room and then find a quiet corner of the lodge to do the written stuff. You must have an approved day off and be signed up in RTP to participate in this exam. With the work schedule finalized, signups are closed. Forgot to sign up? Get in touch asap so we can see if we can free your schedule up so you can participate. Next exam is Saturday March 26th.

Level 1 candidates: Our 8 week training program has been completed. If you have any final questions get with steve.frink@stevenspass.com and you will get answers. Go out this weekend with other exam candidates and practice your teaching segments/demos. Use this Level 1 Teaching checklist to be sure the segment will pass. Seen here for Snowboard and here for Skiers. The checklist is taken from the Level 1 exam process document and the Hot Seat questions are things the examiner may ask you after you have completed your teaching segment as described on the Level 1 Certification Process page.

Level 2/3 Skiers: Sean Bold will be here Saturday, Burrell will be here to Clinic Sunday

Level 2/3 Snowboarders: Steve Frink will be running a clinic Saturday for all snowboarders and Sunday you are on your own. Same as above.

Demo Sale

The rental shop has all demo skis and snowboards on sale now! Stop by and check them out as soon as possible. Demos are sold on a first come, first serve basis with no holds.

Kudos Board

“Best ski lessons ever!!!” (Instructor David Erickson)

“Brendan is an awesome instructor” (Guest Story Gorman)

I had 2 skiers and 1 snowboarder. They had a great day and are looking forward to returning. (Instructor Monique Bertino)

“Took a level 1 alpine cert prep series with Ken Will–Excellent teacher!”

Rachel was professional, polite and very efficient at completing the process to reserve a lesson. (Guest Olivia)