27 Dec

The Word – 12/27/16

Hey Everyone! What a great holiday weekend and a strong kick start to our busiest week on mountain all season! Keep up the great work, enthusiasm, and flexibility that we’ve seen over these past few days and let’s continue to pull together as a team to finish out the week!

Remember to take care of yourself this week so we don’t all end up looking like this furry guy!


Teach Skis for Sale: If you are interested in purchasing some smaller sized skis aka “teach skis” from a size range of 130-160 these will be available in our rental shop- please find either Cameron or Brian there at a convenient time. Sold on a first come, first serve basis!

Multi-Week Schedule: Check your schedules! This coming week starts our first evening multi-week so check your schedule to see if you’re on it. If you’re also interested in picking up these evening hours, please let us know and we’d be happy to include you!

Evening Private Lessons: We have been getting some inquiries for later lessons Fri-Sun, between the times of 4-6pm… if anyone is interested in working the private book for these times please let us know! It’s a great way to start ramping up your private lesson clientele as well!

Locker Room Business: Please remember to clean up after yourselves, this is a community space for us all! Pick up your trash, wash your dishes, and don’t forget your gear outside the locker room or else we’ll find a nice hiding spot for it 😉

Private Lesson Office Policies: All private lesson instructors should be sure to check the whiteboard in the locker room every morning to see if there’s going to be a morning line-up at 8:45am. Additionally, every private lesson instructor needs to check in with Jess or Katelyn 15 minutes before every hour. We can assign non-teach work for those 15 minutes such as helping boot customers, clearing our walk ways, etc.

We ask that before you take out a private lesson, ensure that your guest has paid for the lesson, has an access pass, and has filled out a liability form. As a reminder, every guest that uses the mountain must have an access pass. We’re using the term “access pass” vs “lift ticket” as each guest needs a pass, even to ride the carpets! Please make sure to end your lesson on time unless we have instructed you differently, for your next lesson may be waiting on you.

Please help us uphold our new office policies! Instructors can no longer use the door between the private lesson office and the locker room. Please enter through the front office doors in uniform and avoid entering the space behind the cashiers. Use the computer in the locker room to check your schedule for the day!


Flow Zone Update

Is this a slide zone or a talk zone??? Each feature in the flow zone has a runout, and that space needs to be clear before new people can enter the feature. Be Aware of where you stop your group. It is easy to clog up the Flow.


Check out these diagrams for Station 2 and Station 3 to know where to stop without disrupting the flow. Any feedback on the Flow Zone please email steve.frink@stevenspass.com

Park SMART Clinics

All coaches are required to have a freestyle check-off before they may teach in the terrain parks. If you had a pass last year, please see Lauren for this seasons park pass. If you haven’t had one in the past or you are a new instructor, you’ll need to sign up for a Park SMART Clinic. To gain access to the small park, you need the Park SMART Clinic plus the Small Park Worksheet. For the Medium and Large parks, you’ll need the clinic (only one per season) and another worksheet for each park plus a ride-along with an approved trainer/manager. These are paid clinics and we expect the majority of our coaches to go through this clinic. We expect everyone in Youth, Privates, and Multi-weeks to go through the clinic so they are ready to take their classes there too!

Exam Prep Clinics

Now that the season has gotten off to a fantastic start it’s time to begin preparing for exams! Many of you have been asking about how the exam process works. All of the level II and III exams are already scheduled for the end of the season. You can find those dates at www.psia-nw.org.

For all of our exam candidates, you must complete at least 20 hours of clinics and 20 hours of teaching in order to qualify for an exam at the end of the year. Clinics will be split between level 100, 200, and 300 and Skiing/Riding or Teaching. The clinic schedule will be in RTP. Trainers will work hard to ensure they are giving you the exam prep you are looking for while tailoring topics to the needs they see out on the snow. You do not have to be trying for an exam in order to participate in clinics but if you are a rookie or someone without their Level I, you’ll want to focus on going to the level 100 clinics as those will benefit you the most to start.

Questions? Email lauren.yaeger@stevenspass.com

Cross-Over Clinics

Want to learn to teach the other discipline We’re hosting a two-part cross-over clinic for skiers who want to snowboard and snowboarders who want to ski! The first of two clinics will take place this Friday, December 29th from 3:30-5:30. You must have the gear and desire in order to participate. We’ll go over the progression and the skills you need to teach first-timer and beginner lessons. This may not automatically increase your payrate to be a dual instructor, but it is a mandatory clinic to have if you are interested in one day becoming a dual! For more details, email lauren.yaeger@stevenspass.com  or sign up in RTP.


Way to perform as a team this weekend and the start to this busy mid-week too!! It was awesome to see everyone hustling and helping others out- rental techs, cashiers, instructors, speedy boot fitters, and more! Let’s pull our socks up and hit the ground running to finish out this crazy week as a strong team! Please keep on top of your schedules and let your supervisor know if you are running late or need to call out for the day in the appropriate manner.


Are here to be picked up! Check in with either Lauren or Sydney to sign yours out. Rentals- check in with Cameron.