21 Mar

The Word – 3/21/17

Happy Spring! And…. it’s snowing again!


Kudos Board: Here are the most recent Kudos from March 13th-20th.

Private Book

Stephanie 3-20-17 my instructor Kevin was great! very positive attitude and really helpful tips to improve my form
Julianna 3-19-17 Karl is a great instructor
Nisha 3-19-17 Ellen was fantastic. My daughter learned a lot and had fun. I appreciated the feedback afterwards on what she improved on and what to keep working on
Graham 3-19-17 Josh is great, my kids love him!
Jerard 3-19-17 Josh was awesome with my son who after ski school didn’t want to come back and then decided to try it if mommy would teach him. Josh had him loving it and he wants Josh to teach him.more next time
Cristina 3-18-17 My lesson was with Kevin, and he was a great instructor!!
James 3-18-17 Kevin was a SUPERB teacher, many thanks. Easily my best skiing ever after working with Kevin
Jeremy 3-14-17 My instructor was great. I’m terrible with names but it was Shania? (My guess=Sheria) But she was a great instructor, pushed us to get better and was open to constructing the lesson to our wants. I feel I learned a lot in 2 hours.
Eleanor 3-13-17 Dan was fantastic with my 5 year old daughter. She obviously had a lot of fun, and I appreciated learning from Dan at the end of the lesson some of the tips and tricks he was using to help her. I’ve been skiing since I was 5 years old myself, and consider myself an expert level skier – however, being able to do is not the same as being able to teach, and I’m grateful for Dan’s instruction to my daughter, and to me in ways I can help her remember what he was working with her on.

Youth Programs

Luca 3-20-17 TJ & Aden are great at helping Luca have fun. They recognize he’s not as challenged as on the D-Team and care a lot about ensuring he at least has fun and find some elements he can practice that keep his skill level up.
Makenna 3-18-17 Rowan was nice and was a positive influence for my daughter. He even looked on his iPod for music that she requested to keep her motivated!
Sonya 3-18-17 Lauren was really outstanding. My daughter had a lot of fun with her and did a lot more skiing this time then the last time she did kids club.
Aanisah 3-16-17 TJ was great and my daughter had a blast. Thanks.
Morrigan 3-16-17 My daughter really liked Anna! She had fun and improved a bit, so all is good.
Wyatt 3-15-17 Lauren was very positive and helpful to both my kids!!
Luca 3-14-17 Kevin and Aden were awesome instructors that helped Luca stay challenged and have a lot of fun despite having intermediate skiers (later I found that they were considered advanced and in fact are less skilled) in his group.
Luca 3-14-17 Doug and Aden were excellent at making sure Luca felt challenged and they were thrilled to have him in their group.
Baxter 3-13-17 My child enjoyed his lesson with Kai and had a great experience with him!

Adult Programs

Justin 3-20-17 I think my most recent instructor was Tom, and he was great (possibly the best instructor out of the 3 I’ve had, though Grayson was great as well.) I felt like he was very committed to my individual success and that I received plenty of 1:1 instruction even though there were 4 people in the class.
Randi 3-20-17 Thank you Dan V for providing an exceptional experience and giving me the confidence I needed to move on to the blue runs. It was a fun day and I learned a lot!
Adam 3-19-17 Patrick was great, very attentive to detail and genuinely interested in developing my ability to board.
Anna 3-19-17 Martin was great! I really enjoyed his teaching style, and he gave lots of tips to each individual.
Joanne 3-18-17 Sandy was great! She was patient and encouraging. I really felt like I learned a lot from her and I have been taking lessons for a LONG time.
Lee 3-16-17 Sandy,thank you so much for giving me individual attention during the lesson. You were able to provide me what I needed while also taking care of my other, more advanced, classmates. That is no mean feat.
Misti 3-16-17 Dan was great, easy to understand, good at giving specific feedback, good at modifying the lesson as needed, personable.
Johnetta 3-16-17 Austin was awesome!
Marlo 3-15-17 Nick was awesome. We had a great time together and he made me feel incredibly confident. Tweaked a few small things and now I’m ready to go. THANK YOU!
Aline 3-15-17 We had Willian as our instructor and he was a really good and fun professor. Congratulations.
Andrew 3-14-17 Rebecca (I forget her last name) was fantastic! I really felt like she wanted us to learn and taught me some great skills.
Tania 3-14-17 Aran is the best instructor! Very patient and he provided great tips without pushing the group too far!
Renee 3-14-17 Alex was the best …lots of patience and made learning fun !!
Brielle 3-14-17 Nick Evans was very attentive and gave me specific tips on how to improve my turns. He told me what to keep working on after the lesson to keep getting better which I liked.
Max 3-13-17 I was very happy with Ed’s instruction. We were all in our third or fourth lesson but went over some good basics that were lacking in some other lessons. I was very satisfied and after the lesson I was able to graduate because of Ed’s training.
Shiana 3-13-17 Andy was fantastic. Other ski staff were incredibly helpful and insightful and gave us great info to get the hang of snowboarding.
Jessica 3-13-17 Ed was fantastic, loved his encouraging tone, drills, and individual attention.
Lauren 3-13-17 Wilbert was great! He was friendly and made small conversation besides just the snowbarding
Sagam 3-13-17 It was very good training by Marc and Ellen!
Chloe 3-13-17 Grayson was awesome, and very helpful. His technique notes were exactly what I needed!
Daniel 3-13-17 Wilbert was fantastic – really appreciated his time

Fun Score Update:Our mountain NPS score is currently sitting at an 8.8 average… in order to bump this up to our mountain goal (and to obtain our end of season bonus!) we need to hit 9.0 average. Let’s keep motivated to end the season strong with doing our part to help reach this goal. According to our SSS Fun Score it looks like we’re doing GREAT at helping reach this goal as we’ve reached a 9.1 overall Fun Score for this past week!!! This comes from the question, “How much fun did you have in your lesson today?” KEEP IT UP!

SSS and RTC Party: Because one party isn’t enough for us… we will be hosting our annual department BBQ party Saturday, April 8th! More details to come but for now- mark your calendars!

Instructor Statistics:Some “Top 5” fun stats for you guys over the season…

(Current from Nov 29th- March 12th)

Private Request Hours

Holton, Josh 154.75 hours
Hardisty, Dale 67.5 hours
Peterson, Tiana 53.5 hours
Velasco, Dan 35.5 hours
Christy, Ben 32 hours

Training Hours

Wooster, Lauren 42.5 hours
Levenstein, Harrison 40 hours
Sohn, Anton “Phil” 40 hours
Moline, Ellen 36 hours
Borchers, Kevin 34 hours


Early Ups: This week Early Ups have moved to Thursday, March 23rd at 8am. Come make some turns to celebrate Ed Callahan’s life, a 17 year key member of our own Nordic Team.

End of Season Company Party: Friday, March 31st from 5:30-8:30pm

Don’t forget to send in your nominees for the Spirit of Stevens Award, Leader of the Year Award, and Department of the Year to HR by Saturday, March 25th. Fill out the below form and either print it out or email it to humanresources@stevenspass.com. Forms are also available in our locker room.

End of Year Awards Recognition Nomination Form

Updated Transit Schedules: With our night operations ending we will have an updated employee transit schedule